
simple dhcp client
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      7 Network Working Group                                           R. Droms
      8 Request for Comments: 2131                           Bucknell University
      9 Obsoletes: 1541                                               March 1997
     10 Category: Standards Track
     12                   Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
     14 Status of this memo
     16    This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
     17    Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
     18    improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
     19    Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
     20    and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
     22 Abstract
     24    The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) provides a framework
     25    for passing configuration information to hosts on a TCPIP network.
     26    DHCP is based on the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) [7], adding the
     27    capability of automatic allocation of reusable network addresses and
     28    additional configuration options [19].  DHCP captures the behavior of
     29    BOOTP relay agents [7, 21], and DHCP participants can interoperate
     30    with BOOTP participants [9].
     32 Table of Contents
     34    1.  Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2
     35    1.1 Changes to RFC1541. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     36    1.2 Related Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     37    1.3 Problem definition and issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     38    1.4 Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     39    1.5 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     40    1.6 Design goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     41    2.  Protocol Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     42    2.1 Configuration parameters repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     43    2.2 Dynamic allocation of network addresses . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     44    3.  The Client-Server Protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     45    3.1 Client-server interaction - allocating a network address. . . 13
     46    3.2 Client-server interaction - reusing a  previously allocated
     47        network address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     48    3.3 Interpretation and representation of time values. . . . . . . 20
     49    3.4 Obtaining parameters with externally configured network
     50        address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     51    3.5 Client parameters in DHCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     52    3.6 Use of DHCP in clients with multiple interfaces . . . . . . . 22
     53    3.7 When clients should use DHCP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     54    4.  Specification of the DHCP client-server protocol. . . . . . . 22
     58 Droms                       Standards Track                     [Page 1]
     60 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
     63    4.1 Constructing and sending DHCP messages. . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     64    4.2 DHCP server administrative controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
     65    4.3 DHCP server behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
     66    4.4 DHCP client behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
     67    5.  Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
     68    6.  References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
     69    7.  Security Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
     70    8.  Author's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
     71    A.  Host Configuration Parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
     72 List of Figures
     73    1. Format of a DHCP message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     74    2. Format of the 'flags' field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     75    3. Timeline diagram of messages exchanged between DHCP client and
     76       servers when allocating a new network address. . . . . . . . . 15
     77    4. Timeline diagram of messages exchanged between DHCP client and
     78       servers when reusing a previously allocated network address. . 18
     79    5. State-transition diagram for DHCP clients. . . . . . . . . . . 34
     80 List of Tables
     81    1. Description of fields in a DHCP message. . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     82    2. DHCP messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     83    3. Fields and options used by DHCP servers. . . . . . . . . . . . 28
     84    4. Client messages from various states. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
     85    5. Fields and options used by DHCP clients. . . . . . . . . . . . 37
     87 1. Introduction
     89    The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) provides configuration
     90    parameters to Internet hosts.  DHCP consists of two components: a
     91    protocol for delivering host-specific configuration parameters from a
     92    DHCP server to a host and a mechanism for allocation of network
     93    addresses to hosts.
     95    DHCP is built on a client-server model, where designated DHCP server
     96    hosts allocate network addresses and deliver configuration parameters
     97    to dynamically configured hosts.  Throughout the remainder of this
     98    document, the term "server" refers to a host providing initialization
     99    parameters through DHCP, and the term "client" refers to a host
    100    requesting initialization parameters from a DHCP server.
    102    A host should not act as a DHCP server unless explicitly configured
    103    to do so by a system administrator.  The diversity of hardware and
    104    protocol implementations in the Internet would preclude reliable
    105    operation if random hosts were allowed to respond to DHCP requests.
    106    For example, IP requires the setting of many parameters within the
    107    protocol implementation software.  Because IP can be used on many
    108    dissimilar kinds of network hardware, values for those parameters
    109    cannot be guessed or assumed to have correct defaults.  Also,
    110    distributed address allocation schemes depend on a polling/defense
    114 Droms                       Standards Track                     [Page 2]
    116 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    119    mechanism for discovery of addresses that are already in use.  IP
    120    hosts may not always be able to defend their network addresses, so
    121    that such a distributed address allocation scheme cannot be
    122    guaranteed to avoid allocation of duplicate network addresses.
    124    DHCP supports three mechanisms for IP address allocation.  In
    125    "automatic allocation", DHCP assigns a permanent IP address to a
    126    client.  In "dynamic allocation", DHCP assigns an IP address to a
    127    client for a limited period of time (or until the client explicitly
    128    relinquishes the address).  In "manual allocation", a client's IP
    129    address is assigned by the network administrator, and DHCP is used
    130    simply to convey the assigned address to the client.  A particular
    131    network will use one or more of these mechanisms, depending on the
    132    policies of the network administrator.
    134    Dynamic allocation is the only one of the three mechanisms that
    135    allows automatic reuse of an address that is no longer needed by the
    136    client to which it was assigned.  Thus, dynamic allocation is
    137    particularly useful for assigning an address to a client that will be
    138    connected to the network only temporarily or for sharing a limited
    139    pool of IP addresses among a group of clients that do not need
    140    permanent IP addresses.  Dynamic allocation may also be a good choice
    141    for assigning an IP address to a new client being permanently
    142    connected to a network where IP addresses are sufficiently scarce
    143    that it is important to reclaim them when old clients are retired.
    144    Manual allocation allows DHCP to be used to eliminate the error-prone
    145    process of manually configuring hosts with IP addresses in
    146    environments where (for whatever reasons) it is desirable to manage
    147    IP address assignment outside of the DHCP mechanisms.
    149    The format of DHCP messages is based on the format of BOOTP messages,
    150    to capture the BOOTP relay agent behavior described as part of the
    151    BOOTP specification [7, 21] and to allow interoperability of existing
    152    BOOTP clients with DHCP servers.  Using BOOTP relay agents eliminates
    153    the necessity of having a DHCP server on each physical network
    154    segment.
    156 1.1 Changes to RFC 1541
    158    This document updates the DHCP protocol specification that appears in
    159    RFC1541.  A new DHCP message type, DHCPINFORM, has been added; see
    160    section 3.4, 4.3 and 4.4 for details.  The classing mechanism for
    161    identifying DHCP clients to DHCP servers has been extended to include
    162    "vendor" classes as defined in sections 4.2 and 4.3.  The minimum
    163    lease time restriction has been removed.  Finally, many editorial
    164    changes have been made to clarify the text as a result of experience
    165    gained in DHCP interoperability tests.
    170 Droms                       Standards Track                     [Page 3]
    172 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    175 1.2 Related Work
    177    There are several Internet protocols and related mechanisms that
    178    address some parts of the dynamic host configuration problem.  The
    179    Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) [10] (through the
    180    extensions defined in the Dynamic RARP (DRARP) [5]) explicitly
    181    addresses the problem of network address discovery, and includes an
    182    automatic IP address assignment mechanism.  The Trivial File Transfer
    183    Protocol (TFTP) [20] provides for transport of a boot image from a
    184    boot server.  The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) [16]
    185    provides for informing hosts of additional routers via "ICMP
    186    redirect" messages.  ICMP also can provide subnet mask information
    187    through the "ICMP mask request" message and other information through
    188    the (obsolete) "ICMP information request" message.  Hosts can locate
    189    routers through the ICMP router discovery mechanism [8].
    191    BOOTP is a transport mechanism for a collection of configuration
    192    information.  BOOTP is also extensible, and official extensions [17]
    193    have been defined for several configuration parameters.  Morgan has
    194    proposed extensions to BOOTP for dynamic IP address assignment [15].
    195    The Network Information Protocol (NIP), used by the Athena project at
    196    MIT, is a distributed mechanism for dynamic IP address assignment
    197    [19].  The Resource Location Protocol RLP [1] provides for location
    198    of higher level services.  Sun Microsystems diskless workstations use
    199    a boot procedure that employs RARP, TFTP and an RPC mechanism called
    200    "bootparams" to deliver configuration information and operating
    201    system code to diskless hosts.  (Sun Microsystems, Sun Workstation
    202    and SunOS are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.)  Some Sun
    203    networks also use DRARP and an auto-installation mechanism to
    204    automate the configuration of new hosts in an existing network.
    206    In other related work, the path minimum transmission unit (MTU)
    207    discovery algorithm can determine the MTU of an arbitrary internet
    208    path [14].  The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) has been proposed
    209    as a transport protocol for resource location and selection [6].
    210    Finally, the Host Requirements RFCs [3, 4] mention specific
    211    requirements for host reconfiguration and suggest a scenario for
    212    initial configuration of diskless hosts.
    214 1.3 Problem definition and issues
    216    DHCP is designed to supply DHCP clients with the configuration
    217    parameters defined in the Host Requirements RFCs.  After obtaining
    218    parameters via DHCP, a DHCP client should be able to exchange packets
    219    with any other host in the Internet.  The TCP/IP stack parameters
    220    supplied by DHCP are listed in Appendix A.
    226 Droms                       Standards Track                     [Page 4]
    228 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    231    Not all of these parameters are required for a newly initialized
    232    client.  A client and server may negotiate for the transmission of
    233    only those parameters required by the client or specific to a
    234    particular subnet.
    236    DHCP allows but does not require the configuration of client
    237    parameters not directly related to the IP protocol.  DHCP also does
    238    not address registration of newly configured clients with the Domain
    239    Name System (DNS) [12, 13].
    241    DHCP is not intended for use in configuring routers.
    243 1.4 Requirements
    245    Throughout this document, the words that are used to define the
    246    significance of particular requirements are capitalized.  These words
    247    are:
    249       o "MUST"
    251         This word or the adjective "REQUIRED" means that the
    252         item is an absolute requirement of this specification.
    254       o "MUST NOT"
    256         This phrase means that the item is an absolute prohibition
    257         of this specification.
    259       o "SHOULD"
    261         This word or the adjective "RECOMMENDED" means that there
    262         may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore
    263         this item, but the full implications should be understood and
    264         the case carefully weighed before choosing a different course.
    266       o "SHOULD NOT"
    268         This phrase means that there may exist valid reasons in
    269         particular circumstances when the listed behavior is acceptable
    270         or even useful, but the full implications should be understood
    271         and the case carefully weighed before implementing any behavior
    272         described with this label.
    282 Droms                       Standards Track                     [Page 5]
    284 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    287       o "MAY"
    289         This word or the adjective "OPTIONAL" means that this item is
    290         truly optional.  One vendor may choose to include the item
    291         because a particular marketplace requires it or because it
    292         enhances the product, for example; another vendor may omit the
    293         same item.
    295 1.5 Terminology
    297    This document uses the following terms:
    299       o "DHCP client"
    301       A DHCP client is an Internet host using DHCP to obtain
    302       configuration parameters such as a network address.
    304       o "DHCP server"
    306       A DHCP server is an Internet host that returns configuration
    307       parameters to DHCP clients.
    309       o "BOOTP relay agent"
    311       A BOOTP relay agent or relay agent is an Internet host or router
    312       that passes DHCP messages between DHCP clients and DHCP servers.
    313       DHCP is designed to use the same relay agent behavior as specified
    314       in the BOOTP protocol specification.
    316       o "binding"
    318       A binding is a collection of configuration parameters, including
    319       at least an IP address, associated with or "bound to" a DHCP
    320       client.  Bindings are managed by DHCP servers.
    322 1.6 Design goals
    324    The following list gives general design goals for DHCP.
    326       o DHCP should be a mechanism rather than a policy.  DHCP must
    327         allow local system administrators control over configuration
    328         parameters where desired; e.g., local system administrators
    329         should be able to enforce local policies concerning allocation
    330         and access to local resources where desired.
    338 Droms                       Standards Track                     [Page 6]
    340 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    343       o Clients should require no manual configuration.  Each client
    344         should be able to discover appropriate local configuration
    345         parameters without user intervention and incorporate those
    346         parameters into its own configuration.
    348       o Networks should require no manual configuration for individual
    349         clients.  Under normal circumstances, the network manager
    350         should not have to enter any per-client configuration
    351         parameters.
    353       o DHCP should not require a server on each subnet.  To allow for
    354         scale and economy, DHCP must work across routers or through the
    355         intervention of BOOTP relay agents.
    357       o A DHCP client must be prepared to receive multiple responses
    358         to a request for configuration parameters.  Some installations
    359         may include multiple, overlapping DHCP servers to enhance
    360         reliability and increase performance.
    362       o DHCP must coexist with statically configured, non-participating
    363         hosts and with existing network protocol implementations.
    365       o DHCP must interoperate with the BOOTP relay agent behavior as
    366         described by RFC 951 and by RFC 1542 [21].
    368       o DHCP must provide service to existing BOOTP clients.
    370    The following list gives design goals specific to the transmission of
    371    the network layer parameters.  DHCP must:
    373       o Guarantee that any specific network address will not be in
    374         use by more than one DHCP client at a time,
    376       o Retain DHCP client configuration across DHCP client reboot.  A
    377         DHCP client should, whenever possible, be assigned the same
    378         configuration parameters (e.g., network address) in response
    379         to each request,
    381       o Retain DHCP client configuration across server reboots, and,
    382         whenever possible, a DHCP client should be assigned the same
    383         configuration parameters despite restarts of the DHCP mechanism,
    385       o Allow automated assignment of configuration parameters to new
    386         clients to avoid hand configuration for new clients,
    388       o Support fixed or permanent allocation of configuration
    389         parameters to specific clients.
    394 Droms                       Standards Track                     [Page 7]
    396 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    399 2. Protocol Summary
    401    From the client's point of view, DHCP is an extension of the BOOTP
    402    mechanism.  This behavior allows existing BOOTP clients to
    403    interoperate with DHCP servers without requiring any change to the
    404    clients' initialization software.  RFC 1542 [2] details the
    405    interactions between BOOTP and DHCP clients and servers [9].  There
    406    are some new, optional transactions that optimize the interaction
    407    between DHCP clients and servers that are described in sections 3 and
    408    4.
    410    Figure 1 gives the format of a DHCP message and table 1 describes
    411    each of the fields in the DHCP message.  The numbers in parentheses
    412    indicate the size of each field in octets.  The names for the fields
    413    given in the figure will be used throughout this document to refer to
    414    the fields in DHCP messages.
    416    There are two primary differences between DHCP and BOOTP.  First,
    417    DHCP defines mechanisms through which clients can be assigned a
    418    network address for a finite lease, allowing for serial reassignment
    419    of network addresses to different clients.  Second, DHCP provides the
    420    mechanism for a client to acquire all of the IP configuration
    421    parameters that it needs in order to operate.
    423    DHCP introduces a small change in terminology intended to clarify the
    424    meaning of one of the fields.  What was the "vendor extensions" field
    425    in BOOTP has been re-named the "options" field in DHCP. Similarly,
    426    the tagged data items that were used inside the BOOTP "vendor
    427    extensions" field, which were formerly referred to as "vendor
    428    extensions," are now termed simply "options."
    450 Droms                       Standards Track                     [Page 8]
    452 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    455    0                   1                   2                   3
    456    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    457    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    458    |     op (1)    |   htype (1)   |   hlen (1)    |   hops (1)    |
    459    +---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+
    460    |                            xid (4)                            |
    461    +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+
    462    |           secs (2)            |           flags (2)           |
    463    +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+
    464    |                          ciaddr  (4)                          |
    465    +---------------------------------------------------------------+
    466    |                          yiaddr  (4)                          |
    467    +---------------------------------------------------------------+
    468    |                          siaddr  (4)                          |
    469    +---------------------------------------------------------------+
    470    |                          giaddr  (4)                          |
    471    +---------------------------------------------------------------+
    472    |                                                               |
    473    |                          chaddr  (16)                         |
    474    |                                                               |
    475    |                                                               |
    476    +---------------------------------------------------------------+
    477    |                                                               |
    478    |                          sname   (64)                         |
    479    +---------------------------------------------------------------+
    480    |                                                               |
    481    |                          file    (128)                        |
    482    +---------------------------------------------------------------+
    483    |                                                               |
    484    |                          options (variable)                   |
    485    +---------------------------------------------------------------+
    487                   Figure 1:  Format of a DHCP message
    489    DHCP defines a new 'client identifier' option that is used to pass an
    490    explicit client identifier to a DHCP server.  This change eliminates
    491    the overloading of the 'chaddr' field in BOOTP messages, where
    492    'chaddr' is used both as a hardware address for transmission of BOOTP
    493    reply messages and as a client identifier.  The 'client identifier'
    494    is an opaque key, not to be interpreted by the server; for example,
    495    the 'client identifier' may contain a hardware address, identical to
    496    the contents of the 'chaddr' field, or it may contain another type of
    497    identifier, such as a DNS name.  The 'client identifier' chosen by a
    498    DHCP client MUST be unique to that client within the subnet to which
    499    the client is attached. If the client uses a 'client identifier' in
    500    one message, it MUST use that same identifier in all subsequent
    501    messages, to ensure that all servers correctly identify the client.
    506 Droms                       Standards Track                     [Page 9]
    508 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    511    DHCP clarifies the interpretation of the 'siaddr' field as the
    512    address of the server to use in the next step of the client's
    513    bootstrap process.  A DHCP server may return its own address in the
    514    'siaddr' field, if the server is prepared to supply the next
    515    bootstrap service (e.g., delivery of an operating system executable
    516    image).  A DHCP server always returns its own address in the 'server
    517    identifier' option.
    519    FIELD      OCTETS       DESCRIPTION
    520    -----      ------       -----------
    522    op            1  Message op code / message type.
    523                     1 = BOOTREQUEST, 2 = BOOTREPLY
    524    htype         1  Hardware address type, see ARP section in "Assigned
    525                     Numbers" RFC; e.g., '1' = 10mb ethernet.
    526    hlen          1  Hardware address length (e.g.  '6' for 10mb
    527                     ethernet).
    528    hops          1  Client sets to zero, optionally used by relay agents
    529                     when booting via a relay agent.
    530    xid           4  Transaction ID, a random number chosen by the
    531                     client, used by the client and server to associate
    532                     messages and responses between a client and a
    533                     server.
    534    secs          2  Filled in by client, seconds elapsed since client
    535                     began address acquisition or renewal process.
    536    flags         2  Flags (see figure 2).
    537    ciaddr        4  Client IP address; only filled in if client is in
    538                     BOUND, RENEW or REBINDING state and can respond
    539                     to ARP requests.
    540    yiaddr        4  'your' (client) IP address.
    541    siaddr        4  IP address of next server to use in bootstrap;
    542                     returned in DHCPOFFER, DHCPACK by server.
    543    giaddr        4  Relay agent IP address, used in booting via a
    544                     relay agent.
    545    chaddr       16  Client hardware address.
    546    sname        64  Optional server host name, null terminated string.
    547    file        128  Boot file name, null terminated string; "generic"
    548                     name or null in DHCPDISCOVER, fully qualified
    549                     directory-path name in DHCPOFFER.
    550    options     var  Optional parameters field.  See the options
    551                     documents for a list of defined options.
    553            Table 1:  Description of fields in a DHCP message
    555    The 'options' field is now variable length. A DHCP client must be
    556    prepared to receive DHCP messages with an 'options' field of at least
    557    length 312 octets.  This requirement implies that a DHCP client must
    558    be prepared to receive a message of up to 576 octets, the minimum IP
    562 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 10]
    564 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    567    datagram size an IP host must be prepared to accept [3].  DHCP
    568    clients may negotiate the use of larger DHCP messages through the
    569    'maximum DHCP message size' option.  The options field may be further
    570    extended into the 'file' and 'sname' fields.
    572    In the case of a client using DHCP for initial configuration (before
    573    the client's TCP/IP software has been completely configured), DHCP
    574    requires creative use of the client's TCP/IP software and liberal
    575    interpretation of RFC 1122.  The TCP/IP software SHOULD accept and
    576    forward to the IP layer any IP packets delivered to the client's
    577    hardware address before the IP address is configured; DHCP servers
    578    and BOOTP relay agents may not be able to deliver DHCP messages to
    579    clients that cannot accept hardware unicast datagrams before the
    580    TCP/IP software is configured.
    582    To work around some clients that cannot accept IP unicast datagrams
    583    before the TCP/IP software is configured as discussed in the previous
    584    paragraph, DHCP uses the 'flags' field [21].  The leftmost bit is
    585    defined as the BROADCAST (B) flag.  The semantics of this flag are
    586    discussed in section 4.1 of this document.  The remaining bits of the
    587    flags field are reserved for future use.  They MUST be set to zero by
    588    clients and ignored by servers and relay agents.  Figure 2 gives the
    589    format of the 'flags' field.
    591                                     1 1 1 1 1 1
    592                 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
    593                 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    594                 |B|             MBZ             |
    595                 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    597                 B:  BROADCAST flag
    599                 MBZ:  MUST BE ZERO (reserved for future use)
    601                 Figure 2:  Format of the 'flags' field
    603 2.1 Configuration parameters repository
    605    The first service provided by DHCP is to provide persistent storage
    606    of network parameters for network clients.  The model of DHCP
    607    persistent storage is that the DHCP service stores a key-value entry
    608    for each client, where the key is some unique identifier (for
    609    example, an IP subnet number and a unique identifier within the
    610    subnet) and the value contains the configuration parameters for the
    611    client.
    613    For example, the key might be the pair (IP-subnet-number, hardware-
    614    address) (note that the "hardware-address" should be typed by the
    618 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 11]
    620 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    623    type of hardware to accommodate possible duplication of hardware
    624    addresses resulting from bit-ordering problems in a mixed-media,
    625    bridged network) allowing for serial or concurrent reuse of a
    626    hardware address on different subnets, and for hardware addresses
    627    that may not be globally unique.  Alternately, the key might be the
    628    pair (IP-subnet-number, hostname), allowing the server to assign
    629    parameters intelligently to a DHCP client that has been moved to a
    630    different subnet or has changed hardware addresses (perhaps because
    631    the network interface failed and was replaced). The protocol defines
    632    that the key will be (IP-subnet-number, hardware-address) unless the
    633    client explicitly supplies an identifier using the 'client
    634    identifier' option.           A client can query the DHCP service to
    635    retrieve its configuration parameters.  The client interface to the
    636    configuration parameters repository consists of protocol messages to
    637    request configuration parameters and responses from the server
    638    carrying the configuration parameters.
    640 2.2 Dynamic allocation of network addresses
    642    The second service provided by DHCP is the allocation of temporary or
    643    permanent network (IP) addresses to clients.  The basic mechanism for
    644    the dynamic allocation of network addresses is simple: a client
    645    requests the use of an address for some period of time.  The
    646    allocation mechanism (the collection of DHCP servers) guarantees not
    647    to reallocate that address within the requested time and attempts to
    648    return the same network address each time the client requests an
    649    address.  In this document, the period over which a network address
    650    is allocated to a client is referred to as a "lease" [11].  The
    651    client may extend its lease with subsequent requests.  The client may
    652    issue a message to release the address back to the server when the
    653    client no longer needs the address.  The client may ask for a
    654    permanent assignment by asking for an infinite lease.  Even when
    655    assigning "permanent" addresses, a server may choose to give out
    656    lengthy but non-infinite leases to allow detection of the fact that
    657    the client has been retired.
    659    In some environments it will be necessary to reassign network
    660    addresses due to exhaustion of available addresses.  In such
    661    environments, the allocation mechanism will reuse addresses whose
    662    lease has expired.  The server should use whatever information is
    663    available in the configuration information repository to choose an
    664    address to reuse.  For example, the server may choose the least
    665    recently assigned address.  As a consistency check, the allocating
    666    server SHOULD probe the reused address before allocating the address,
    667    e.g., with an ICMP echo request, and the client SHOULD probe the
    668    newly received address, e.g., with ARP.
    674 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 12]
    676 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    679 3. The Client-Server Protocol
    681    DHCP uses the BOOTP message format defined in RFC 951 and given in
    682    table 1 and figure 1.  The 'op' field of each DHCP message sent from
    683    a client to a server contains BOOTREQUEST. BOOTREPLY is used in the
    684    'op' field of each DHCP message sent from a server to a client.
    686    The first four octets of the 'options' field of the DHCP message
    687    contain the (decimal) values 99, 130, 83 and 99, respectively (this
    688    is the same magic cookie as is defined in RFC 1497 [17]).  The
    689    remainder of the 'options' field consists of a list of tagged
    690    parameters that are called "options".  All of the "vendor extensions"
    691    listed in RFC 1497 are also DHCP options.  RFC 1533 gives the
    692    complete set of options defined for use with DHCP.
    694    Several options have been defined so far.  One particular option -
    695    the "DHCP message type" option - must be included in every DHCP
    696    message.  This option defines the "type" of the DHCP message.
    697    Additional options may be allowed, required, or not allowed,
    698    depending on the DHCP message type.
    700    Throughout this document, DHCP messages that include a 'DHCP message
    701    type' option will be referred to by the type of the message; e.g., a
    702    DHCP message with 'DHCP message type' option type 1 will be referred
    703    to as a "DHCPDISCOVER" message.
    705 3.1 Client-server interaction - allocating a network address
    707    The following summary of the protocol exchanges between clients and
    708    servers refers to the DHCP messages described in table 2.  The
    709    timeline diagram in figure 3 shows the timing relationships in a
    710    typical client-server interaction.  If the client already knows its
    711    address, some steps may be omitted; this abbreviated interaction is
    712    described in section 3.2.
    714    1. The client broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER message on its local physical
    715       subnet.  The DHCPDISCOVER message MAY include options that suggest
    716       values for the network address and lease duration.  BOOTP relay
    717       agents may pass the message on to DHCP servers not on the same
    718       physical subnet.
    720    2. Each server may respond with a DHCPOFFER message that includes an
    721       available network address in the 'yiaddr' field (and other
    722       configuration parameters in DHCP options).  Servers need not
    723       reserve the offered network address, although the protocol will
    724       work more efficiently if the server avoids allocating the offered
    725       network address to another client.  When allocating a new address,
    726       servers SHOULD check that the offered network address is not
    730 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 13]
    732 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    735       already in use; e.g., the server may probe the offered address
    736       with an ICMP Echo Request.  Servers SHOULD be implemented so that
    737       network administrators MAY choose to disable probes of newly
    738       allocated addresses.  The server transmits the DHCPOFFER message
    739       to the client, using the BOOTP relay agent if necessary.
    741    Message         Use
    742    -------         ---
    744    DHCPDISCOVER -  Client broadcast to locate available servers.
    746    DHCPOFFER    -  Server to client in response to DHCPDISCOVER with
    747                    offer of configuration parameters.
    749    DHCPREQUEST  -  Client message to servers either (a) requesting
    750                    offered parameters from one server and implicitly
    751                    declining offers from all others, (b) confirming
    752                    correctness of previously allocated address after,
    753                    e.g., system reboot, or (c) extending the lease on a
    754                    particular network address.
    756    DHCPACK      -  Server to client with configuration parameters,
    757                    including committed network address.
    759    DHCPNAK      -  Server to client indicating client's notion of network
    760                    address is incorrect (e.g., client has moved to new
    761                    subnet) or client's lease as expired
    763    DHCPDECLINE  -  Client to server indicating network address is already
    764                    in use.
    766    DHCPRELEASE  -  Client to server relinquishing network address and
    767                    cancelling remaining lease.
    769    DHCPINFORM   -  Client to server, asking only for local configuration
    770                    parameters; client already has externally configured
    771                    network address.
    773                           Table 2:  DHCP messages
    786 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 14]
    788 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    791                 Server          Client          Server
    792             (not selected)                    (selected)
    794                   v               v               v
    795                   |               |               |
    796                   |     Begins initialization     |
    797                   |               |               |
    798                   | _____________/|\____________  |
    799                   |/DHCPDISCOVER | DHCPDISCOVER  \|
    800                   |               |               |
    801               Determines          |          Determines
    802              configuration        |         configuration
    803                   |               |               |
    804                   |\             |  ____________/ |
    805                   | \________    | /DHCPOFFER     |
    806                   | DHCPOFFER\   |/               |
    807                   |           \  |                |
    808                   |       Collects replies        |
    809                   |             \|                |
    810                   |     Selects configuration     |
    811                   |               |               |
    812                   | _____________/|\____________  |
    813                   |/ DHCPREQUEST  |  DHCPREQUEST\ |
    814                   |               |               |
    815                   |               |     Commits configuration
    816                   |               |               |
    817                   |               | _____________/|
    818                   |               |/ DHCPACK      |
    819                   |               |               |
    820                   |    Initialization complete    |
    821                   |               |               |
    822                   .               .               .
    823                   .               .               .
    824                   |               |               |
    825                   |      Graceful shutdown        |
    826                   |               |               |
    827                   |               |\ ____________ |
    828                   |               | DHCPRELEASE  \|
    829                   |               |               |
    830                   |               |        Discards lease
    831                   |               |               |
    832                   v               v               v
    833      Figure 3: Timeline diagram of messages exchanged between DHCP
    834                client and servers when allocating a new network address
    842 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 15]
    844 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    847   3. The client receives one or more DHCPOFFER messages from one or more
    848      servers.  The client may choose to wait for multiple responses.
    849      The client chooses one server from which to request configuration
    850      parameters, based on the configuration parameters offered in the
    851      DHCPOFFER messages.  The client broadcasts a DHCPREQUEST message
    852      that MUST include the 'server identifier' option to indicate which
    853      server it has selected, and that MAY include other options
    854      specifying desired configuration values.  The 'requested IP
    855      address' option MUST be set to the value of 'yiaddr' in the
    856      DHCPOFFER message from the server.  This DHCPREQUEST message is
    857      broadcast and relayed through DHCP/BOOTP relay agents.  To help
    858      ensure that any BOOTP relay agents forward the DHCPREQUEST message
    859      to the same set of DHCP servers that received the original
    860      DHCPDISCOVER message, the DHCPREQUEST message MUST use the same
    861      value in the DHCP message header's 'secs' field and be sent to the
    862      same IP broadcast address as the original DHCPDISCOVER message.
    863      The client times out and retransmits the DHCPDISCOVER message if
    864      the client receives no DHCPOFFER messages.
    866   4. The servers receive the DHCPREQUEST broadcast from the client.
    867      Those servers not selected by the DHCPREQUEST message use the
    868      message as notification that the client has declined that server's
    869      offer.  The server selected in the DHCPREQUEST message commits the
    870      binding for the client to persistent storage and responds with a
    871      DHCPACK message containing the configuration parameters for the
    872      requesting client.  The combination of 'client identifier' or
    873      'chaddr' and assigned network address constitute a unique
    874      identifier for the client's lease and are used by both the client
    875      and server to identify a lease referred to in any DHCP messages.
    876      Any configuration parameters in the DHCPACK message SHOULD NOT
    877      conflict with those in the earlier DHCPOFFER message to which the
    878      client is responding.  The server SHOULD NOT check the offered
    879      network address at this point. The 'yiaddr' field in the DHCPACK
    880      messages is filled in with the selected network address.
    882      If the selected server is unable to satisfy the DHCPREQUEST message
    883      (e.g., the requested network address has been allocated), the
    884      server SHOULD respond with a DHCPNAK message.
    886      A server MAY choose to mark addresses offered to clients in
    887      DHCPOFFER messages as unavailable.  The server SHOULD mark an
    888      address offered to a client in a DHCPOFFER message as available if
    889      the server receives no DHCPREQUEST message from that client.
    891   5. The client receives the DHCPACK message with configuration
    892      parameters.  The client SHOULD perform a final check on the
    893      parameters (e.g., ARP for allocated network address), and notes the
    894      duration of the lease specified in the DHCPACK message.  At this
    898 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 16]
    900 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    903      point, the client is configured.  If the client detects that the
    904      address is already in use (e.g., through the use of ARP), the
    905      client MUST send a DHCPDECLINE message to the server and restarts
    906      the configuration process.  The client SHOULD wait a minimum of ten
    907      seconds before restarting the configuration process to avoid
    908      excessive network traffic in case of looping.
    910      If the client receives a DHCPNAK message, the client restarts the
    911      configuration process.
    913      The client times out and retransmits the DHCPREQUEST message if the
    914      client receives neither a DHCPACK or a DHCPNAK message.  The client
    915      retransmits the DHCPREQUEST according to the retransmission
    916      algorithm in section 4.1.  The client should choose to retransmit
    917      the DHCPREQUEST enough times to give adequate probability of
    918      contacting the server without causing the client (and the user of
    919      that client) to wait overly long before giving up; e.g., a client
    920      retransmitting as described in section 4.1 might retransmit the
    921      DHCPREQUEST message four times, for a total delay of 60 seconds,
    922      before restarting the initialization procedure.  If the client
    923      receives neither a DHCPACK or a DHCPNAK message after employing the
    924      retransmission algorithm, the client reverts to INIT state and
    925      restarts the initialization process.  The client SHOULD notify the
    926      user that the initialization process has failed and is restarting.
    928   6. The client may choose to relinquish its lease on a network address
    929      by sending a DHCPRELEASE message to the server.  The client
    930      identifies the lease to be released with its 'client identifier',
    931      or 'chaddr' and network address in the DHCPRELEASE message. If the
    932      client used a 'client identifier' when it obtained the lease, it
    933      MUST use the same 'client identifier' in the DHCPRELEASE message.
    935 3.2 Client-server interaction - reusing a previously allocated network
    936     address
    938    If a client remembers and wishes to reuse a previously allocated
    939    network address, a client may choose to omit some of the steps
    940    described in the previous section.  The timeline diagram in figure 4
    941    shows the timing relationships in a typical client-server interaction
    942    for a client reusing a previously allocated network address.
    954 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 17]
    956 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
    959    1. The client broadcasts a DHCPREQUEST message on its local subnet.
    960       The message includes the client's network address in the
    961       'requested IP address' option. As the client has not received its
    962       network address, it MUST NOT fill in the 'ciaddr' field. BOOTP
    963       relay agents pass the message on to DHCP servers not on the same
    964       subnet.  If the client used a 'client identifier' to obtain its
    965       address, the client MUST use the same 'client identifier' in the
    966       DHCPREQUEST message.
    968    2. Servers with knowledge of the client's configuration parameters
    969       respond with a DHCPACK message to the client.  Servers SHOULD NOT
    970       check that the client's network address is already in use; the
    971       client may respond to ICMP Echo Request messages at this point.
    973                 Server          Client          Server
    975                   v               v               v
    976                   |                |               |
    977                   |              Begins            |
    978                   |          initialization        |
    979                   |                |               |
    980                   |                /|\             |
    981                   |   _________ __/ | \__________  |
    982                   | /DHCPREQU EST  |  DHCPREQUEST\ |
    983                   |/               |              \|
    984                   |                |               |
    985                Locates             |            Locates
    986             configuration          |         configuration
    987                   |                |               |
    988                   |\               |              /|
    989                   | \              |  ___________/ |
    990                   |  \             | /  DHCPACK    |
    991                   |   \ _______    |/              |
    992                   |     DHCPACK\   |               |
    993                   |          Initialization        |
    994                   |             complete           |
    995                   |               \|               |
    996                   |                |               |
    997                   |           (Subsequent          |
    998                   |             DHCPACKS           |
    999                   |             ignored)           |
   1000                   |                |               |
   1001                   |                |               |
   1002                   v                v               v
   1004      Figure 4: Timeline diagram of messages exchanged between DHCP
   1005                client and servers when reusing a previously allocated
   1006                network address
   1010 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 18]
   1012 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1015       If the client's request is invalid (e.g., the client has moved
   1016       to a new subnet), servers SHOULD respond with a DHCPNAK message to
   1017       the client. Servers SHOULD NOT respond if their information is not
   1018       guaranteed to be accurate.  For example, a server that identifies a
   1019       request for an expired binding that is owned by another server SHOULD
   1020       NOT respond with a DHCPNAK unless the servers are using an explicit
   1021       mechanism to maintain coherency among the servers.
   1023       If 'giaddr' is 0x0 in the DHCPREQUEST message, the client is on
   1024       the same subnet as the server.  The server MUST
   1025       broadcast the DHCPNAK message to the 0xffffffff broadcast address
   1026       because the client may not have a correct network address or subnet
   1027       mask, and the client may not be answering ARP requests.
   1028       Otherwise, the server MUST send the DHCPNAK message to the IP
   1029       address of the BOOTP relay agent, as recorded in 'giaddr'.  The
   1030       relay agent will, in turn, forward the message directly to the
   1031       client's hardware address, so that the DHCPNAK can be delivered even
   1032       if the client has moved to a new network.
   1034    3. The client receives the DHCPACK message with configuration
   1035       parameters.  The client performs a final check on the parameters
   1036       (as in section 3.1), and notes the duration of the lease specified
   1037       in the DHCPACK message.  The specific lease is implicitly identified
   1038       by the 'client identifier' or 'chaddr' and the network address.  At
   1039       this point, the client is configured.
   1041       If the client detects that the IP address in the DHCPACK message
   1042       is already in use, the client MUST send a DHCPDECLINE message to the
   1043       server and restarts the configuration process by requesting a
   1044       new network address.  This action corresponds to the client
   1045       moving to the INIT state in the DHCP state diagram, which is
   1046       described in section 4.4.
   1048       If the client receives a DHCPNAK message, it cannot reuse its
   1049       remembered network address.  It must instead request a new
   1050       address by restarting the configuration process, this time
   1051       using the (non-abbreviated) procedure described in section
   1052       3.1.  This action also corresponds to the client moving to
   1053       the INIT state in the DHCP state diagram.
   1055       The client times out and retransmits the DHCPREQUEST message if
   1056       the client receives neither a DHCPACK nor a DHCPNAK message.  The
   1057       client retransmits the DHCPREQUEST according to the retransmission
   1058       algorithm in section 4.1.  The client should choose to retransmit
   1059       the DHCPREQUEST enough times to give adequate probability of
   1060       contacting the server without causing the client (and the user of
   1061       that client) to wait overly long before giving up; e.g., a client
   1062       retransmitting as described in section 4.1 might retransmit the
   1066 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 19]
   1068 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1071       DHCPREQUEST message four times, for a total delay of 60 seconds,
   1072       before restarting the initialization procedure.  If the client
   1073       receives neither a DHCPACK or a DHCPNAK message after employing
   1074       the retransmission algorithm, the client MAY choose to use the
   1075       previously allocated network address and configuration parameters
   1076       for the remainder of the unexpired lease.  This corresponds to
   1077       moving to BOUND state in the client state transition diagram shown
   1078       in figure 5.
   1080    4. The client may choose to relinquish its lease on a network
   1081       address by sending a DHCPRELEASE message to the server.  The
   1082       client identifies the lease to be released with its
   1083       'client identifier', or 'chaddr' and network address in the
   1084       DHCPRELEASE message.
   1086       Note that in this case, where the client retains its network
   1087       address locally, the client will not normally relinquish its
   1088       lease during a graceful shutdown.  Only in the case where the
   1089       client explicitly needs to relinquish its lease, e.g., the client
   1090       is about to be moved to a different subnet, will the client send
   1091       a DHCPRELEASE message.
   1093 3.3 Interpretation and representation of time values
   1095    A client acquires a lease for a network address for a fixed period of
   1096    time (which may be infinite).  Throughout the protocol, times are to
   1097    be represented in units of seconds.  The time value of 0xffffffff is
   1098    reserved to represent "infinity".
   1100    As clients and servers may not have synchronized clocks, times are
   1101    represented in DHCP messages as relative times, to be interpreted
   1102    with respect to the client's local clock.  Representing relative
   1103    times in units of seconds in an unsigned 32 bit word gives a range of
   1104    relative times from 0 to approximately 100 years, which is sufficient
   1105    for the relative times to be measured using DHCP.
   1107    The algorithm for lease duration interpretation given in the previous
   1108    paragraph assumes that client and server clocks are stable relative
   1109    to each other.  If there is drift between the two clocks, the server
   1110    may consider the lease expired before the client does.  To
   1111    compensate, the server may return a shorter lease duration to the
   1112    client than the server commits to its local database of client
   1113    information.
   1115 3.4 Obtaining parameters with externally configured network address
   1117    If a client has obtained a network address through some other means
   1118    (e.g., manual configuration), it may use a DHCPINFORM request message
   1122 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 20]
   1124 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1127    to obtain other local configuration parameters.  Servers receiving a
   1128    DHCPINFORM message construct a DHCPACK message with any local
   1129    configuration parameters appropriate for the client without:
   1130    allocating a new address, checking for an existing binding, filling
   1131    in 'yiaddr' or including lease time parameters.  The servers SHOULD
   1132    unicast the DHCPACK reply to the address given in the 'ciaddr' field
   1133    of the DHCPINFORM message.
   1135    The server SHOULD check the network address in a DHCPINFORM message
   1136    for consistency, but MUST NOT check for an existing lease.  The
   1137    server forms a DHCPACK message containing the configuration
   1138    parameters for the requesting client and sends the DHCPACK message
   1139    directly to the client.
   1141 3.5 Client parameters in DHCP
   1143    Not all clients require initialization of all parameters listed in
   1144    Appendix A.  Two techniques are used to reduce the number of
   1145    parameters transmitted from the server to the client.  First, most of
   1146    the parameters have defaults defined in the Host Requirements RFCs;
   1147    if the client receives no parameters from the server that override
   1148    the defaults, a client uses those default values.  Second, in its
   1149    initial DHCPDISCOVER or DHCPREQUEST message, a client may provide the
   1150    server with a list of specific parameters the client is interested
   1151    in.  If the client includes a list of parameters in a DHCPDISCOVER
   1152    message, it MUST include that list in any subsequent DHCPREQUEST
   1153    messages.
   1155    The client SHOULD include the 'maximum DHCP message size' option to
   1156    let the server know how large the server may make its DHCP messages.
   1157    The parameters returned to a client may still exceed the space
   1158    allocated to options in a DHCP message.  In this case, two additional
   1159    options flags (which must appear in the 'options' field of the
   1160    message) indicate that the 'file' and 'sname' fields are to be used
   1161    for options.
   1163    The client can inform the server which configuration parameters the
   1164    client is interested in by including the 'parameter request list'
   1165    option.  The data portion of this option explicitly lists the options
   1166    requested by tag number.
   1168    In addition, the client may suggest values for the network address
   1169    and lease time in the DHCPDISCOVER message.  The client may include
   1170    the 'requested IP address' option to suggest that a particular IP
   1171    address be assigned, and may include the 'IP address lease time'
   1172    option to suggest the lease time it would like.  Other options
   1173    representing "hints" at configuration parameters are allowed in a
   1174    DHCPDISCOVER or DHCPREQUEST message.  However, additional options may
   1178 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 21]
   1180 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1183    be ignored by servers, and multiple servers may, therefore, not
   1184    return identical values for some options.  The 'requested IP address'
   1185    option is to be filled in only in a DHCPREQUEST message when the
   1186    client is verifying network parameters obtained previously. The
   1187    client fills in the 'ciaddr' field only when correctly configured
   1188    with an IP address in BOUND, RENEWING or REBINDING state.
   1190    If a server receives a DHCPREQUEST message with an invalid 'requested
   1191    IP address', the server SHOULD respond to the client with a DHCPNAK
   1192    message and may choose to report the problem to the system
   1193    administrator.  The server may include an error message in the
   1194    'message' option.
   1196 3.6 Use of DHCP in clients with multiple interfaces
   1198    A client with multiple network interfaces must use DHCP through each
   1199    interface independently to obtain configuration information
   1200    parameters for those separate interfaces.
   1202 3.7 When clients should use DHCP
   1204    A client SHOULD use DHCP to reacquire or verify its IP address and
   1205    network parameters whenever the local network parameters may have
   1206    changed; e.g., at system boot time or after a disconnection from the
   1207    local network, as the local network configuration may change without
   1208    the client's or user's knowledge.
   1210    If a client has knowledge of a previous network address and is unable
   1211    to contact a local DHCP server, the client may continue to use the
   1212    previous network address until the lease for that address expires.
   1213    If the lease expires before the client can contact a DHCP server, the
   1214    client must immediately discontinue use of the previous network
   1215    address and may inform local users of the problem.
   1217 4. Specification of the DHCP client-server protocol
   1219    In this section, we assume that a DHCP server has a block of network
   1220    addresses from which it can satisfy requests for new addresses.  Each
   1221    server also maintains a database of allocated addresses and leases in
   1222    local permanent storage.
   1224 4.1 Constructing and sending DHCP messages
   1226    DHCP clients and servers both construct DHCP messages by filling in
   1227    fields in the fixed format section of the message and appending
   1228    tagged data items in the variable length option area.  The options
   1229    area includes first a four-octet 'magic cookie' (which was described
   1230    in section 3), followed by the options.  The last option must always
   1234 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 22]
   1236 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1239    be the 'end' option.
   1241    DHCP uses UDP as its transport protocol.  DHCP messages from a client
   1242    to a server are sent to the 'DHCP server' port (67), and DHCP
   1243    messages from a server to a client are sent to the 'DHCP client' port
   1244    (68). A server with multiple network address (e.g., a multi-homed
   1245    host) MAY use any of its network addresses in outgoing DHCP messages.
   1247    The 'server identifier' field is used both to identify a DHCP server
   1248    in a DHCP message and as a destination address from clients to
   1249    servers.  A server with multiple network addresses MUST be prepared
   1250    to to accept any of its network addresses as identifying that server
   1251    in a DHCP message.  To accommodate potentially incomplete network
   1252    connectivity, a server MUST choose an address as a 'server
   1253    identifier' that, to the best of the server's knowledge, is reachable
   1254    from the client.  For example, if the DHCP server and the DHCP client
   1255    are connected to the same subnet (i.e., the 'giaddr' field in the
   1256    message from the client is zero), the server SHOULD select the IP
   1257    address the server is using for communication on that subnet as the
   1258    'server identifier'.  If the server is using multiple IP addresses on
   1259    that subnet, any such address may be used.  If the server has
   1260    received a message through a DHCP relay agent, the server SHOULD
   1261    choose an address from the interface on which the message was
   1262    recieved as the 'server identifier' (unless the server has other,
   1263    better information on which to make its choice).  DHCP clients MUST
   1264    use the IP address provided in the 'server identifier' option for any
   1265    unicast requests to the DHCP server.
   1267    DHCP messages broadcast by a client prior to that client obtaining
   1268    its IP address must have the source address field in the IP header
   1269    set to 0.
   1271    If the 'giaddr' field in a DHCP message from a client is non-zero,
   1272    the server sends any return messages to the 'DHCP server' port on the
   1273    BOOTP relay agent whose address appears in 'giaddr'. If the 'giaddr'
   1274    field is zero and the 'ciaddr' field is nonzero, then the server
   1275    unicasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages to the address in 'ciaddr'.
   1276    If 'giaddr' is zero and 'ciaddr' is zero, and the broadcast bit is
   1277    set, then the server broadcasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages to
   1278    0xffffffff. If the broadcast bit is not set and 'giaddr' is zero and
   1279    'ciaddr' is zero, then the server unicasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK
   1280    messages to the client's hardware address and 'yiaddr' address.  In
   1281    all cases, when 'giaddr' is zero, the server broadcasts any DHCPNAK
   1282    messages to 0xffffffff.
   1284    If the options in a DHCP message extend into the 'sname' and 'file'
   1285    fields, the 'option overload' option MUST appear in the 'options'
   1286    field, with value 1, 2 or 3, as specified in RFC 1533.  If the
   1290 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 23]
   1292 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1295    'option overload' option is present in the 'options' field, the
   1296    options in the 'options' field MUST be terminated by an 'end' option,
   1297    and MAY contain one or more 'pad' options to fill the options field.
   1298    The options in the 'sname' and 'file' fields (if in use as indicated
   1299    by the 'options overload' option) MUST begin with the first octet of
   1300    the field, MUST be terminated by an 'end' option, and MUST be
   1301    followed by 'pad' options to fill the remainder of the field.  Any
   1302    individual option in the 'options', 'sname' and 'file' fields MUST be
   1303    entirely contained in that field.  The options in the 'options' field
   1304    MUST be interpreted first, so that any 'option overload' options may
   1305    be interpreted.  The 'file' field MUST be interpreted next (if the
   1306    'option overload' option indicates that the 'file' field contains
   1307    DHCP options), followed by the 'sname' field.
   1309    The values to be passed in an 'option' tag may be too long to fit in
   1310    the 255 octets available to a single option (e.g., a list of routers
   1311    in a 'router' option [21]).  Options may appear only once, unless
   1312    otherwise specified in the options document.  The client concatenates
   1313    the values of multiple instances of the same option into a single
   1314    parameter list for configuration.
   1316    DHCP clients are responsible for all message retransmission.  The
   1317    client MUST adopt a retransmission strategy that incorporates a
   1318    randomized exponential backoff algorithm to determine the delay
   1319    between retransmissions.  The delay between retransmissions SHOULD be
   1320    chosen to allow sufficient time for replies from the server to be
   1321    delivered based on the characteristics of the internetwork between
   1322    the client and the server.  For example, in a 10Mb/sec Ethernet
   1323    internetwork, the delay before the first retransmission SHOULD be 4
   1324    seconds randomized by the value of a uniform random number chosen
   1325    from the range -1 to +1.  Clients with clocks that provide resolution
   1326    granularity of less than one second may choose a non-integer
   1327    randomization value.  The delay before the next retransmission SHOULD
   1328    be 8 seconds randomized by the value of a uniform number chosen from
   1329    the range -1 to +1.  The retransmission delay SHOULD be doubled with
   1330    subsequent retransmissions up to a maximum of 64 seconds.  The client
   1331    MAY provide an indication of retransmission attempts to the user as
   1332    an indication of the progress of the configuration process.
   1334    The 'xid' field is used by the client to match incoming DHCP messages
   1335    with pending requests.  A DHCP client MUST choose 'xid's in such a
   1336    way as to minimize the chance of using an 'xid' identical to one used
   1337    by another client. For example, a client may choose a different,
   1338    random initial 'xid' each time the client is rebooted, and
   1339    subsequently use sequential 'xid's until the next reboot.  Selecting
   1340    a new 'xid' for each retransmission is an implementation decision.  A
   1341    client may choose to reuse the same 'xid' or select a new 'xid' for
   1342    each retransmitted message.
   1346 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 24]
   1348 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1351    Normally, DHCP servers and BOOTP relay agents attempt to deliver
   1352    DHCPOFFER, DHCPACK and DHCPNAK messages directly to the client using
   1353    uicast delivery.  The IP destination address (in the IP header) is
   1354    set to the DHCP 'yiaddr' address and the link-layer destination
   1355    address is set to the DHCP 'chaddr' address.  Unfortunately, some
   1356    client implementations are unable to receive such unicast IP
   1357    datagrams until the implementation has been configured with a valid
   1358    IP address (leading to a deadlock in which the client's IP address
   1359    cannot be delivered until the client has been configured with an IP
   1360    address).
   1362    A client that cannot receive unicast IP datagrams until its protocol
   1363    software has been configured with an IP address SHOULD set the
   1364    BROADCAST bit in the 'flags' field to 1 in any DHCPDISCOVER or
   1365    DHCPREQUEST messages that client sends.  The BROADCAST bit will
   1366    provide a hint to the DHCP server and BOOTP relay agent to broadcast
   1367    any messages to the client on the client's subnet.  A client that can
   1368    receive unicast IP datagrams before its protocol software has been
   1369    configured SHOULD clear the BROADCAST bit to 0.  The BOOTP
   1370    clarifications document discusses the ramifications of the use of the
   1371    BROADCAST bit [21].
   1373    A server or relay agent sending or relaying a DHCP message directly
   1374    to a DHCP client (i.e., not to a relay agent specified in the
   1375    'giaddr' field) SHOULD examine the BROADCAST bit in the 'flags'
   1376    field.  If this bit is set to 1, the DHCP message SHOULD be sent as
   1377    an IP broadcast using an IP broadcast address (preferably 0xffffffff)
   1378    as the IP destination address and the link-layer broadcast address as
   1379    the link-layer destination address.  If the BROADCAST bit is cleared
   1380    to 0, the message SHOULD be sent as an IP unicast to the IP address
   1381    specified in the 'yiaddr' field and the link-layer address specified
   1382    in the 'chaddr' field.  If unicasting is not possible, the message
   1383    MAY be sent as an IP broadcast using an IP broadcast address
   1384    (preferably 0xffffffff) as the IP destination address and the link-
   1385    layer broadcast address as the link-layer destination address.
   1387 4.2 DHCP server administrative controls
   1389    DHCP servers are not required to respond to every DHCPDISCOVER and
   1390    DHCPREQUEST message they receive.  For example, a network
   1391    administrator, to retain stringent control over the clients attached
   1392    to the network, may choose to configure DHCP servers to respond only
   1393    to clients that have been previously registered through some external
   1394    mechanism.  The DHCP specification describes only the interactions
   1395    between clients and servers when the clients and servers choose to
   1396    interact; it is beyond the scope of the DHCP specification to
   1397    describe all of the administrative controls that system
   1398    administrators might want to use.  Specific DHCP server
   1402 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 25]
   1404 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1407    implementations may incorporate any controls or policies desired by a
   1408    network administrator.
   1410    In some environments, a DHCP server will have to consider the values
   1411    of the vendor class options included in DHCPDISCOVER or DHCPREQUEST
   1412    messages when determining the correct parameters for a particular
   1413    client.
   1415    A DHCP server needs to use some unique identifier to associate a
   1416    client with its lease.  The client MAY choose to explicitly provide
   1417    the identifier through the 'client identifier' option.  If the client
   1418    supplies a 'client identifier', the client MUST use the same 'client
   1419    identifier' in all subsequent messages, and the server MUST use that
   1420    identifier to identify the client.  If the client does not provide a
   1421    'client identifier' option, the server MUST use the contents of the
   1422    'chaddr' field to identify the client. It is crucial for a DHCP
   1423    client to use an identifier unique within the subnet to which the
   1424    client is attached in the 'client identifier' option.  Use of
   1425    'chaddr' as the client's unique identifier may cause unexpected
   1426    results, as that identifier may be associated with a hardware
   1427    interface that could be moved to a new client.  Some sites may choose
   1428    to use a manufacturer's serial number as the 'client identifier', to
   1429    avoid unexpected changes in a clients network address due to transfer
   1430    of hardware interfaces among computers.  Sites may also choose to use
   1431    a DNS name as the 'client identifier', causing address leases to be
   1432    associated with the DNS name rather than a specific hardware box.
   1434    DHCP clients are free to use any strategy in selecting a DHCP server
   1435    among those from which the client receives a DHCPOFFER message.  The
   1436    client implementation of DHCP SHOULD provide a mechanism for the user
   1437    to select directly the 'vendor class identifier' values.
   1439 4.3 DHCP server behavior
   1441    A DHCP server processes incoming DHCP messages from a client based on
   1442    the current state of the binding for that client.  A DHCP server can
   1443    receive the following messages from a client:
   1445       o DHCPDISCOVER
   1447       o DHCPREQUEST
   1449       o DHCPDECLINE
   1451       o DHCPRELEASE
   1453       o DHCPINFORM
   1458 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 26]
   1460 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1463    Table 3 gives the use of the fields and options in a DHCP message by
   1464    a server.  The remainder of this section describes the action of the
   1465    DHCP server for each possible incoming message.
   1467 4.3.1 DHCPDISCOVER message
   1469    When a server receives a DHCPDISCOVER message from a client, the
   1470    server chooses a network address for the requesting client.  If no
   1471    address is available, the server may choose to report the problem to
   1472    the system administrator. If an address is available, the new address
   1473    SHOULD be chosen as follows:
   1475       o The client's current address as recorded in the client's current
   1476         binding, ELSE
   1478       o The client's previous address as recorded in the client's (now
   1479         expired or released) binding, if that address is in the server's
   1480         pool of available addresses and not already allocated, ELSE
   1482       o The address requested in the 'Requested IP Address' option, if that
   1483         address is valid and not already allocated, ELSE
   1485       o A new address allocated from the server's pool of available
   1486         addresses; the address is selected based on the subnet from which
   1487         the message was received (if 'giaddr' is 0) or on the address of
   1488         the relay agent that forwarded the message ('giaddr' when not 0).
   1490    As described in section 4.2, a server MAY, for administrative
   1491    reasons, assign an address other than the one requested, or may
   1492    refuse to allocate an address to a particular client even though free
   1493    addresses are available.
   1495    Note that, in some network architectures (e.g., internets with more
   1496    than one IP subnet assigned to a physical network segment), it may be
   1497    the case that the DHCP client should be assigned an address from a
   1498    different subnet than the address recorded in 'giaddr'.  Thus, DHCP
   1499    does not require that the client be assigned as address from the
   1500    subnet in 'giaddr'.  A server is free to choose some other subnet,
   1501    and it is beyond the scope of the DHCP specification to describe ways
   1502    in which the assigned IP address might be chosen.
   1504    While not required for correct operation of DHCP, the server SHOULD
   1505    NOT reuse the selected network address before the client responds to
   1506    the server's DHCPOFFER message.  The server may choose to record the
   1507    address as offered to the client.
   1509    The server must also choose an expiration time for the lease, as
   1510    follows:
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   1516 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1519    o IF the client has not requested a specific lease in the
   1520      DHCPDISCOVER message and the client already has an assigned network
   1521      address, the server returns the lease expiration time previously
   1522      assigned to that address (note that the client must explicitly
   1523      request a specific lease to extend the expiration time on a
   1524      previously assigned address), ELSE
   1526    o IF the client has not requested a specific lease in the
   1527      DHCPDISCOVER message and the client does not have an assigned
   1528      network address, the server assigns a locally configured default
   1529      lease time, ELSE
   1531    o IF the client has requested a specific lease in the DHCPDISCOVER
   1532      message (regardless of whether the client has an assigned network
   1533      address), the server may choose either to return the requested
   1534      lease (if the lease is acceptable to local policy) or select
   1535      another lease.
   1537 Field      DHCPOFFER            DHCPACK             DHCPNAK
   1538 -----      ---------            -------             -------
   1539 'op'       BOOTREPLY            BOOTREPLY           BOOTREPLY
   1540 'htype'    (From "Assigned Numbers" RFC)
   1541 'hlen'     (Hardware address length in octets)
   1542 'hops'     0                    0                   0
   1543 'xid'      'xid' from client    'xid' from client   'xid' from client
   1544            DHCPDISCOVER         DHCPREQUEST         DHCPREQUEST
   1545            message              message             message
   1546 'secs'     0                    0                   0
   1547 'ciaddr'   0                    'ciaddr' from       0
   1548                                 DHCPREQUEST or 0
   1549 'yiaddr'   IP address offered   IP address          0
   1550            to client            assigned to client
   1551 'siaddr'   IP address of next   IP address of next  0
   1552            bootstrap server     bootstrap server
   1553 'flags'    'flags' from         'flags' from        'flags' from
   1554            client DHCPDISCOVER  client DHCPREQUEST  client DHCPREQUEST
   1555            message              message             message
   1556 'giaddr'   'giaddr' from        'giaddr' from       'giaddr' from
   1557            client DHCPDISCOVER  client DHCPREQUEST  client DHCPREQUEST
   1558            message              message             message
   1559 'chaddr'   'chaddr' from        'chaddr' from       'chaddr' from
   1560            client DHCPDISCOVER  client DHCPREQUEST  client DHCPREQUEST
   1561            message              message             message
   1562 'sname'    Server host name     Server host name    (unused)
   1563            or options           or options
   1564 'file'     Client boot file     Client boot file    (unused)
   1565            name or options      name or options
   1566 'options'  options              options
   1570 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 28]
   1572 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1575 Option                    DHCPOFFER    DHCPACK            DHCPNAK
   1576 ------                    ---------    -------            -------
   1577 Requested IP address      MUST NOT     MUST NOT           MUST NOT
   1578 IP address lease time     MUST         MUST (DHCPREQUEST) MUST NOT
   1579                                        MUST NOT (DHCPINFORM)
   1580 Use 'file'/'sname' fields MAY          MAY                MUST NOT
   1581 DHCP message type         DHCPOFFER    DHCPACK            DHCPNAK
   1582 Parameter request list    MUST NOT     MUST NOT           MUST NOT
   1583 Message                   SHOULD       SHOULD             SHOULD
   1584 Client identifier         MUST NOT     MUST NOT           MAY
   1585 Vendor class identifier   MAY          MAY                MAY
   1586 Server identifier         MUST         MUST               MUST
   1587 Maximum message size      MUST NOT     MUST NOT           MUST NOT
   1588 All others                MAY          MAY                MUST NOT
   1590            Table 3:  Fields and options used by DHCP servers
   1592    Once the network address and lease have been determined, the server
   1593    constructs a DHCPOFFER message with the offered configuration
   1594    parameters.  It is important for all DHCP servers to return the same
   1595    parameters (with the possible exception of a newly allocated network
   1596    address) to ensure predictable client behavior regardless of which
   1597    server the client selects.  The configuration parameters MUST be
   1598    selected by applying the following rules in the order given below.
   1599    The network administrator is responsible for configuring multiple
   1600    DHCP servers to ensure uniform responses from those servers.  The
   1601    server MUST return to the client:
   1603    o The client's network address, as determined by the rules given
   1604      earlier in this section,
   1606    o The expiration time for the client's lease, as determined by the
   1607      rules given earlier in this section,
   1609    o Parameters requested by the client, according to the following
   1610      rules:
   1612         -- IF the server has been explicitly configured with a default
   1613            value for the parameter, the server MUST include that value
   1614            in an appropriate option in the 'option' field, ELSE
   1616         -- IF the server recognizes the parameter as a parameter
   1617            defined in the Host Requirements Document, the server MUST
   1618            include the default value for that parameter as given in the
   1619            Host Requirements Document in an appropriate option in the
   1620            'option' field, ELSE
   1622         -- The server MUST NOT return a value for that parameter,
   1626 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 29]
   1628 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1631      The server MUST supply as many of the requested parameters as
   1632      possible and MUST omit any parameters it cannot provide.  The
   1633      server MUST include each requested parameter only once unless
   1634      explicitly allowed in the DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor
   1635      Extensions document.
   1637    o Any parameters from the existing binding that differ from the Host
   1638      Requirements Document defaults,
   1640    o Any parameters specific to this client (as identified by
   1641      the contents of 'chaddr' or 'client identifier' in the DHCPDISCOVER
   1642      or DHCPREQUEST message), e.g., as configured by the network
   1643      administrator,
   1645    o Any parameters specific to this client's class (as identified
   1646      by the contents of the 'vendor class identifier'
   1647      option in the DHCPDISCOVER or DHCPREQUEST message),
   1648      e.g., as configured by the network administrator; the parameters
   1649      MUST be identified by an exact match between the client's vendor
   1650      class identifiers and the client's classes identified in the
   1651      server,
   1653    o Parameters with non-default values on the client's subnet.
   1655    The server MAY choose to return the 'vendor class identifier' used to
   1656    determine the parameters in the DHCPOFFER message to assist the
   1657    client in selecting which DHCPOFFER to accept.  The server inserts
   1658    the 'xid' field from the DHCPDISCOVER message into the 'xid' field of
   1659    the DHCPOFFER message and sends the DHCPOFFER message to the
   1660    requesting client.
   1662 4.3.2 DHCPREQUEST message
   1664    A DHCPREQUEST message may come from a client responding to a
   1665    DHCPOFFER message from a server, from a client verifying a previously
   1666    allocated IP address or from a client extending the lease on a
   1667    network address.  If the DHCPREQUEST message contains a 'server
   1668    identifier' option, the message is in response to a DHCPOFFER
   1669    message.  Otherwise, the message is a request to verify or extend an
   1670    existing lease.  If the client uses a 'client identifier' in a
   1671    DHCPREQUEST message, it MUST use that same 'client identifier' in all
   1672    subsequent messages. If the client included a list of requested
   1673    parameters in a DHCPDISCOVER message, it MUST include that list in
   1674    all subsequent messages.
   1682 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 30]
   1684 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1687    Any configuration parameters in the DHCPACK message SHOULD NOT
   1688    conflict with those in the earlier DHCPOFFER message to which the
   1689    client is responding.  The client SHOULD use the parameters in the
   1690    DHCPACK message for configuration.
   1692    Clients send DHCPREQUEST messages as follows:
   1694    o DHCPREQUEST generated during SELECTING state:
   1696       Client inserts the address of the selected server in 'server
   1697       identifier', 'ciaddr' MUST be zero, 'requested IP address' MUST be
   1698       filled in with the yiaddr value from the chosen DHCPOFFER.
   1700       Note that the client may choose to collect several DHCPOFFER
   1701       messages and select the "best" offer.  The client indicates its
   1702       selection by identifying the offering server in the DHCPREQUEST
   1703       message.  If the client receives no acceptable offers, the client
   1704       may choose to try another DHCPDISCOVER message.  Therefore, the
   1705       servers may not receive a specific DHCPREQUEST from which they can
   1706       decide whether or not the client has accepted the offer.  Because
   1707       the servers have not committed any network address assignments on
   1708       the basis of a DHCPOFFER, servers are free to reuse offered
   1709       network addresses in response to subsequent requests.  As an
   1710       implementation detail, servers SHOULD NOT reuse offered addresses
   1711       and may use an implementation-specific timeout mechanism to decide
   1712       when to reuse an offered address.
   1714    o DHCPREQUEST generated during INIT-REBOOT state:
   1716       'server identifier' MUST NOT be filled in, 'requested IP address'
   1717       option MUST be filled in with client's notion of its previously
   1718       assigned address. 'ciaddr' MUST be zero. The client is seeking to
   1719       verify a previously allocated, cached configuration. Server SHOULD
   1720       send a DHCPNAK message to the client if the 'requested IP address'
   1721       is incorrect, or is on the wrong network.
   1723       Determining whether a client in the INIT-REBOOT state is on the
   1724       correct network is done by examining the contents of 'giaddr', the
   1725       'requested IP address' option, and a database lookup. If the DHCP
   1726       server detects that the client is on the wrong net (i.e., the
   1727       result of applying the local subnet mask or remote subnet mask (if
   1728       'giaddr' is not zero) to 'requested IP address' option value
   1729       doesn't match reality), then the server SHOULD send a DHCPNAK
   1730       message to the client.
   1738 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 31]
   1740 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1743       If the network is correct, then the DHCP server should check if
   1744       the client's notion of its IP address is correct. If not, then the
   1745       server SHOULD send a DHCPNAK message to the client. If the DHCP
   1746       server has no record of this client, then it MUST remain silent,
   1747       and MAY output a warning to the network administrator. This
   1748       behavior is necessary for peaceful coexistence of non-
   1749       communicating DHCP servers on the same wire.
   1751       If 'giaddr' is 0x0 in the DHCPREQUEST message, the client is on
   1752       the same subnet as the server.  The server MUST broadcast the
   1753       DHCPNAK message to the 0xffffffff broadcast address because the
   1754       client may not have a correct network address or subnet mask, and
   1755       the client may not be answering ARP requests.
   1757       If 'giaddr' is set in the DHCPREQUEST message, the client is on a
   1758       different subnet.  The server MUST set the broadcast bit in the
   1759       DHCPNAK, so that the relay agent will broadcast the DHCPNAK to the
   1760       client, because the client may not have a correct network address
   1761       or subnet mask, and the client may not be answering ARP requests.
   1763    o DHCPREQUEST generated during RENEWING state:
   1765       'server identifier' MUST NOT be filled in, 'requested IP address'
   1766       option MUST NOT be filled in, 'ciaddr' MUST be filled in with
   1767       client's IP address. In this situation, the client is completely
   1768       configured, and is trying to extend its lease. This message will
   1769       be unicast, so no relay agents will be involved in its
   1770       transmission.  Because 'giaddr' is therefore not filled in, the
   1771       DHCP server will trust the value in 'ciaddr', and use it when
   1772       replying to the client.
   1774       A client MAY choose to renew or extend its lease prior to T1.  The
   1775       server may choose not to extend the lease (as a policy decision by
   1776       the network administrator), but should return a DHCPACK message
   1777       regardless.
   1779    o DHCPREQUEST generated during REBINDING state:
   1781       'server identifier' MUST NOT be filled in, 'requested IP address'
   1782       option MUST NOT be filled in, 'ciaddr' MUST be filled in with
   1783       client's IP address. In this situation, the client is completely
   1784       configured, and is trying to extend its lease. This message MUST
   1785       be broadcast to the 0xffffffff IP broadcast address.  The DHCP
   1786       server SHOULD check 'ciaddr' for correctness before replying to
   1787       the DHCPREQUEST.
   1794 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 32]
   1796 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1799       The DHCPREQUEST from a REBINDING client is intended to accommodate
   1800       sites that have multiple DHCP servers and a mechanism for
   1801       maintaining consistency among leases managed by multiple servers.
   1802       A DHCP server MAY extend a client's lease only if it has local
   1803       administrative authority to do so.
   1805 4.3.3 DHCPDECLINE message
   1807    If the server receives a DHCPDECLINE message, the client has
   1808    discovered through some other means that the suggested network
   1809    address is already in use.  The server MUST mark the network address
   1810    as not available and SHOULD notify the local system administrator of
   1811    a possible configuration problem.
   1813 4.3.4 DHCPRELEASE message
   1815    Upon receipt of a DHCPRELEASE message, the server marks the network
   1816    address as not allocated.  The server SHOULD retain a record of the
   1817    client's initialization parameters for possible reuse in response to
   1818    subsequent requests from the client.
   1820 4.3.5 DHCPINFORM message
   1822    The server responds to a DHCPINFORM message by sending a DHCPACK
   1823    message directly to the address given in the 'ciaddr' field of the
   1824    DHCPINFORM message.  The server MUST NOT send a lease expiration time
   1825    to the client and SHOULD NOT fill in 'yiaddr'.  The server includes
   1826    other parameters in the DHCPACK message as defined in section 4.3.1.
   1828 4.3.6 Client messages
   1830    Table 4 details the differences between messages from clients in
   1831    various states.
   1833    ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   1834    |              |INIT-REBOOT  |SELECTING    |RENEWING     |REBINDING |
   1835    ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   1836    |broad/unicast |broadcast    |broadcast    |unicast      |broadcast |
   1837    |server-ip     |MUST NOT     |MUST         |MUST NOT     |MUST NOT  |
   1838    |requested-ip  |MUST         |MUST         |MUST NOT     |MUST NOT  |
   1839    |ciaddr        |zero         |zero         |IP address   |IP address|
   1840    ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   1842               Table 4: Client messages from different states
   1850 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 33]
   1852 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1855 4.4 DHCP client behavior
   1857    Figure 5 gives a state-transition diagram for a DHCP client.  A
   1858    client can receive the following messages from a server:
   1860          o DHCPOFFER
   1862          o DHCPACK
   1864          o DHCPNAK
   1866    The DHCPINFORM message is not shown in figure 5.  A client simply
   1867    sends the DHCPINFORM and waits for DHCPACK messages.  Once the client
   1868    has selected its parameters, it has completed the configuration
   1869    process.
   1871    Table 5 gives the use of the fields and options in a DHCP message by
   1872    a client.  The remainder of this section describes the action of the
   1873    DHCP client for each possible incoming message.  The description in
   1874    the following section corresponds to the full configuration procedure
   1875    previously described in section 3.1, and the text in the subsequent
   1876    section corresponds to the abbreviated configuration procedure
   1877    described in section 3.2.
   1906 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 34]
   1908 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1911  --------                               -------
   1912 |        | +-------------------------->|       |<-------------------+
   1913 | INIT-  | |     +-------------------->| INIT  |                    |
   1914 | REBOOT |DHCPNAK/         +---------->|       |<---+               |
   1915 |        |Restart|         |            -------     |               |
   1916  --------  |  DHCPNAK/     |               |                        |
   1917     |      Discard offer   |      -/Send DHCPDISCOVER               |
   1918 -/Send DHCPREQUEST         |               |                        |
   1919     |      |     |      DHCPACK            v        |               |
   1920  -----------     |   (not accept.)/   -----------   |               |
   1921 |           |    |  Send DHCPDECLINE |           |                  |
   1922 | REBOOTING |    |         |         | SELECTING |<----+            |
   1923 |           |    |        /          |           |     |DHCPOFFER/  |
   1924  -----------     |       /            -----------   |  |Collect     |
   1925     |            |      /                  |   |       |  replies   |
   1926 DHCPACK/         |     /  +----------------+   +-------+            |
   1927 Record lease, set|    |   v   Select offer/                         |
   1928 timers T1, T2   ------------  send DHCPREQUEST      |               |
   1929     |   +----->|            |             DHCPNAK, Lease expired/   |
   1930     |   |      | REQUESTING |                  Halt network         |
   1931     DHCPOFFER/ |            |                       |               |
   1932     Discard     ------------                        |               |
   1933     |   |        |        |                   -----------           |
   1934     |   +--------+     DHCPACK/              |           |          |
   1935     |              Record lease, set    -----| REBINDING |          |
   1936     |                timers T1, T2     /     |           |          |
   1937     |                     |        DHCPACK/   -----------           |
   1938     |                     v     Record lease, set   ^               |
   1939     +----------------> -------      /timers T1,T2   |               |
   1940                +----->|       |<---+                |               |
   1941                |      | BOUND |<---+                |               |
   1942   DHCPOFFER, DHCPACK, |       |    |            T2 expires/   DHCPNAK/
   1943    DHCPNAK/Discard     -------     |             Broadcast  Halt network
   1944                |       | |         |            DHCPREQUEST         |
   1945                +-------+ |        DHCPACK/          |               |
   1946                     T1 expires/   Record lease, set |               |
   1947                  Send DHCPREQUEST timers T1, T2     |               |
   1948                  to leasing server |                |               |
   1949                          |   ----------             |               |
   1950                          |  |          |------------+               |
   1951                          +->| RENEWING |                            |
   1952                             |          |----------------------------+
   1953                              ----------
   1954           Figure 5:  State-transition diagram for DHCP clients
   1962 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 35]
   1964 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   1967 4.4.1 Initialization and allocation of network address
   1969    The client begins in INIT state and forms a DHCPDISCOVER message.
   1970    The client SHOULD wait a random time between one and ten seconds to
   1971    desynchronize the use of DHCP at startup.  The client sets 'ciaddr'
   1972    to 0x00000000.  The client MAY request specific parameters by
   1973    including the 'parameter request list' option.  The client MAY
   1974    suggest a network address and/or lease time by including the
   1975    'requested IP address' and 'IP address lease time' options.  The
   1976    client MUST include its hardware address in the 'chaddr' field, if
   1977    necessary for delivery of DHCP reply messages.  The client MAY
   1978    include a different unique identifier in the 'client identifier'
   1979    option, as discussed in section 4.2.  If the client included a list
   1980    of requested parameters in a DHCPDISCOVER message, it MUST include
   1981    that list in all subsequent messages.
   1983    The client generates and records a random transaction identifier and
   1984    inserts that identifier into the 'xid' field.  The client records its
   1985    own local time for later use in computing the lease expiration.  The
   1986    client then broadcasts the DHCPDISCOVER on the local hardware
   1987    broadcast address to the 0xffffffff IP broadcast address and 'DHCP
   1988    server' UDP port.
   1990    If the 'xid' of an arriving DHCPOFFER message does not match the
   1991    'xid' of the most recent DHCPDISCOVER message, the DHCPOFFER message
   1992    must be silently discarded.  Any arriving DHCPACK messages must be
   1993    silently discarded.
   1995    The client collects DHCPOFFER messages over a period of time, selects
   1996    one DHCPOFFER message from the (possibly many) incoming DHCPOFFER
   1997    messages (e.g., the first DHCPOFFER message or the DHCPOFFER message
   1998    from the previously used server) and extracts the server address from
   1999    the 'server identifier' option in the DHCPOFFER message.  The time
   2000    over which the client collects messages and the mechanism used to
   2001    select one DHCPOFFER are implementation dependent.
   2018 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 36]
   2020 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   2023 Field      DHCPDISCOVER          DHCPREQUEST           DHCPDECLINE,
   2024            DHCPINFORM                                  DHCPRELEASE
   2025 -----      ------------          -----------           -----------
   2026 'op'       BOOTREQUEST           BOOTREQUEST           BOOTREQUEST
   2027 'htype'    (From "Assigned Numbers" RFC)
   2028 'hlen'     (Hardware address length in octets)
   2029 'hops'     0                     0                     0
   2030 'xid'      selected by client    'xid' from server     selected by
   2031                                  DHCPOFFER message     client
   2032 'secs'     0 or seconds since    0 or seconds since    0
   2033            DHCP process started  DHCP process started
   2034 'flags'    Set 'BROADCAST'       Set 'BROADCAST'       0
   2035            flag if client        flag if client
   2036            requires broadcast    requires broadcast
   2037            reply                 reply
   2038 'ciaddr'   0 (DHCPDISCOVER)      0 or client's         0 (DHCPDECLINE)
   2039            client's              network address       client's network
   2040            network address       (BOUND/RENEW/REBIND)  address
   2041            (DHCPINFORM)                                (DHCPRELEASE)
   2042 'yiaddr'   0                     0                     0
   2043 'siaddr'   0                     0                     0
   2044 'giaddr'   0                     0                     0
   2045 'chaddr'   client's hardware     client's hardware     client's hardware
   2046            address               address               address
   2047 'sname'    options, if           options, if           (unused)
   2048            indicated in          indicated in
   2049            'sname/file'          'sname/file'
   2050            option; otherwise     option; otherwise
   2051            unused                unused
   2052 'file'     options, if           options, if           (unused)
   2053            indicated in          indicated in
   2054            'sname/file'          'sname/file'
   2055            option; otherwise     option; otherwise
   2056            unused                unused
   2057 'options'  options               options               (unused)
   2074 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 37]
   2076 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   2079 Option                     DHCPDISCOVER  DHCPREQUEST      DHCPDECLINE,
   2080                            DHCPINFORM                     DHCPRELEASE
   2081 ------                     ------------  -----------      -----------
   2082 Requested IP address       MAY           MUST (in         MUST
   2083                            (DISCOVER)    SELECTING or     (DHCPDECLINE),
   2084                            MUST NOT      INIT-REBOOT)     MUST NOT
   2085                            (INFORM)      MUST NOT (in     (DHCPRELEASE)
   2086                                          BOUND or
   2087                                          RENEWING)
   2088 IP address lease time      MAY           MAY              MUST NOT
   2089                            (DISCOVER)
   2090                            MUST NOT
   2091                            (INFORM)
   2092 Use 'file'/'sname' fields  MAY           MAY              MAY
   2093 DHCP message type          DHCPDISCOVER/ DHCPREQUEST      DHCPDECLINE/
   2094                            DHCPINFORM                     DHCPRELEASE
   2095 Client identifier          MAY           MAY              MAY
   2096 Vendor class identifier    MAY           MAY              MUST NOT
   2097 Server identifier          MUST NOT      MUST (after      MUST
   2098                                          SELECTING)
   2099                                          MUST NOT (after
   2100                                          INIT-REBOOT,
   2101                                          BOUND, RENEWING
   2102                                          or REBINDING)
   2103 Parameter request list     MAY           MAY              MUST NOT
   2104 Maximum message size       MAY           MAY              MUST NOT
   2105 Message                    SHOULD NOT    SHOULD NOT       SHOULD
   2106 Site-specific              MAY           MAY              MUST NOT
   2107 All others                 MAY           MAY              MUST NOT
   2109              Table 5:  Fields and options used by DHCP clients
   2111    If the parameters are acceptable, the client records the address of
   2112    the server that supplied the parameters from the 'server identifier'
   2113    field and sends that address in the 'server identifier' field of a
   2114    DHCPREQUEST broadcast message.  Once the DHCPACK message from the
   2115    server arrives, the client is initialized and moves to BOUND state.
   2116    The DHCPREQUEST message contains the same 'xid' as the DHCPOFFER
   2117    message.  The client records the lease expiration time as the sum of
   2118    the time at which the original request was sent and the duration of
   2119    the lease from the DHCPACK message.    The client SHOULD perform a
   2120    check on the suggested address to ensure that the address is not
   2121    already in use.  For example, if the client is on a network that
   2122    supports ARP, the client may issue an ARP request for the suggested
   2123    request.  When broadcasting an ARP request for the suggested address,
   2124    the client must fill in its own hardware address as the sender's
   2125    hardware address, and 0 as the sender's IP address, to avoid
   2126    confusing ARP caches in other hosts on the same subnet.  If the
   2130 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 38]
   2132 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   2135    network address appears to be in use, the client MUST send a
   2136    DHCPDECLINE message to the server. The client SHOULD broadcast an ARP
   2137    reply to announce the client's new IP address and clear any outdated
   2138    ARP cache entries in hosts on the client's subnet.
   2140 4.4.2 Initialization with known network address
   2142    The client begins in INIT-REBOOT state and sends a DHCPREQUEST
   2143    message.  The client MUST insert its known network address as a
   2144    'requested IP address' option in the DHCPREQUEST message.  The client
   2145    may request specific configuration parameters by including the
   2146    'parameter request list' option.  The client generates and records a
   2147    random transaction identifier and inserts that identifier into the
   2148    'xid' field.  The client records its own local time for later use in
   2149    computing the lease expiration.  The client MUST NOT include a
   2150    'server identifier' in the DHCPREQUEST message.  The client then
   2151    broadcasts the DHCPREQUEST on the local hardware broadcast address to
   2152    the 'DHCP server' UDP port.
   2154    Once a DHCPACK message with an 'xid' field matching that in the
   2155    client's DHCPREQUEST message arrives from any server, the client is
   2156    initialized and moves to BOUND state.  The client records the lease
   2157    expiration time as the sum of the time at which the DHCPREQUEST
   2158    message was sent and the duration of the lease from the DHCPACK
   2159    message.
   2161 4.4.3 Initialization with an externally assigned network address
   2163    The client sends a DHCPINFORM message. The client may request
   2164    specific configuration parameters by including the 'parameter request
   2165    list' option. The client generates and records a random transaction
   2166    identifier and inserts that identifier into the 'xid' field. The
   2167    client places its own network address in the 'ciaddr' field. The
   2168    client SHOULD NOT request lease time parameters.
   2170    The client then unicasts the DHCPINFORM to the DHCP server if it
   2171    knows the server's address, otherwise it broadcasts the message to
   2172    the limited (all 1s) broadcast address.  DHCPINFORM messages MUST be
   2173    directed to the 'DHCP server' UDP port.
   2175    Once a DHCPACK message with an 'xid' field matching that in the
   2176    client's DHCPINFORM message arrives from any server, the client is
   2177    initialized.
   2179    If the client does not receive a DHCPACK within a reasonable period
   2180    of time (60 seconds or 4 tries if using timeout suggested in section
   2181    4.1), then it SHOULD display a message informing the user of the
   2182    problem, and then SHOULD begin network processing using suitable
   2186 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 39]
   2188 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   2191    defaults as per Appendix A.
   2193 4.4.4 Use of broadcast and unicast
   2195    The DHCP client broadcasts DHCPDISCOVER, DHCPREQUEST and DHCPINFORM
   2196    messages, unless the client knows the address of a DHCP server.  The
   2197    client unicasts DHCPRELEASE messages to the server.  Because the
   2198    client is declining the use of the IP address supplied by the server,
   2199    the client broadcasts DHCPDECLINE messages.
   2201    When the DHCP client knows the address of a DHCP server, in either
   2202    INIT or REBOOTING state, the client may use that address in the
   2203    DHCPDISCOVER or DHCPREQUEST rather than the IP broadcast address.
   2204    The client may also use unicast to send DHCPINFORM messages to a
   2205    known DHCP server.  If the client receives no response to DHCP
   2206    messages sent to the IP address of a known DHCP server, the DHCP
   2207    client reverts to using the IP broadcast address.
   2209 4.4.5 Reacquisition and expiration
   2211    The client maintains two times, T1 and T2, that specify the times at
   2212    which the client tries to extend its lease on its network address.
   2213    T1 is the time at which the client enters the RENEWING state and
   2214    attempts to contact the server that originally issued the client's
   2215    network address.  T2 is the time at which the client enters the
   2216    REBINDING state and attempts to contact any server. T1 MUST be
   2217    earlier than T2, which, in turn, MUST be earlier than the time at
   2218    which the client's lease will expire.
   2220    To avoid the need for synchronized clocks, T1 and T2 are expressed in
   2221    options as relative times [2].
   2223    At time T1 the client moves to RENEWING state and sends (via unicast)
   2224    a DHCPREQUEST message to the server to extend its lease.  The client
   2225    sets the 'ciaddr' field in the DHCPREQUEST to its current network
   2226    address. The client records the local time at which the DHCPREQUEST
   2227    message is sent for computation of the lease expiration time.  The
   2228    client MUST NOT include a 'server identifier' in the DHCPREQUEST
   2229    message.
   2231    Any DHCPACK messages that arrive with an 'xid' that does not match
   2232    the 'xid' of the client's DHCPREQUEST message are silently discarded.
   2233    When the client receives a DHCPACK from the server, the client
   2234    computes the lease expiration time as the sum of the time at which
   2235    the client sent the DHCPREQUEST message and the duration of the lease
   2236    in the DHCPACK message.  The client has successfully reacquired its
   2237    network address, returns to BOUND state and may continue network
   2238    processing.
   2242 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 40]
   2244 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   2247    If no DHCPACK arrives before time T2, the client moves to REBINDING
   2248    state and sends (via broadcast) a DHCPREQUEST message to extend its
   2249    lease.  The client sets the 'ciaddr' field in the DHCPREQUEST to its
   2250    current network address.  The client MUST NOT include a 'server
   2251    identifier' in the DHCPREQUEST message.
   2253    Times T1 and T2 are configurable by the server through options.  T1
   2254    defaults to (0.5 * duration_of_lease).  T2 defaults to (0.875 *
   2255    duration_of_lease).  Times T1 and T2 SHOULD be chosen with some
   2256    random "fuzz" around a fixed value, to avoid synchronization of
   2257    client reacquisition.
   2259    A client MAY choose to renew or extend its lease prior to T1.  The
   2260    server MAY choose to extend the client's lease according to policy
   2261    set by the network administrator.  The server SHOULD return T1 and
   2262    T2, and their values SHOULD be adjusted from their original values to
   2263    take account of the time remaining on the lease.
   2265    In both RENEWING and REBINDING states, if the client receives no
   2266    response to its DHCPREQUEST message, the client SHOULD wait one-half
   2267    of the remaining time until T2 (in RENEWING state) and one-half of
   2268    the remaining lease time (in REBINDING state), down to a minimum of
   2269    60 seconds, before retransmitting the DHCPREQUEST message.
   2271    If the lease expires before the client receives a DHCPACK, the client
   2272    moves to INIT state, MUST immediately stop any other network
   2273    processing and requests network initialization parameters as if the
   2274    client were uninitialized.  If the client then receives a DHCPACK
   2275    allocating that client its previous network address, the client
   2276    SHOULD continue network processing.  If the client is given a new
   2277    network address, it MUST NOT continue using the previous network
   2278    address and SHOULD notify the local users of the problem.
   2280 4.4.6 DHCPRELEASE
   2282    If the client no longer requires use of its assigned network address
   2283    (e.g., the client is gracefully shut down), the client sends a
   2284    DHCPRELEASE message to the server.  Note that the correct operation
   2285    of DHCP does not depend on the transmission of DHCPRELEASE messages.
   2298 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 41]
   2300 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   2303 5. Acknowledgments
   2305    The author thanks the many (and too numerous to mention!) members of
   2306    the DHC WG for their tireless and ongoing efforts in the development
   2307    of DHCP and this document.
   2309    The efforts of J Allard, Mike Carney, Dave Lapp, Fred Lien and John
   2310    Mendonca in organizing DHCP interoperability testing sessions are
   2311    gratefully acknowledged.
   2313    The development of this document was supported in part by grants from
   2314    the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), Bucknell
   2315    University and Sun Microsystems.
   2317 6. References
   2319    [1] Acetta, M., "Resource Location Protocol", RFC 887, CMU, December
   2320        1983.
   2322    [2] Alexander, S., and R. Droms, "DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor
   2323        Extensions", RFC 1533, Lachman Technology, Inc., Bucknell
   2324        University, October 1993.
   2326    [3] Braden, R., Editor, "Requirements for Internet Hosts --
   2327        Communication Layers", STD 3, RFC 1122, USC/Information Sciences
   2328        Institute, October 1989.
   2330    [4] Braden, R., Editor, "Requirements for Internet Hosts --
   2331        Application and Support, STD 3, RFC 1123, USC/Information
   2332        Sciences Institute, October 1989.
   2334    [5] Brownell, D, "Dynamic Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
   2335        (DRARP)", Work in Progress.
   2337    [6] Comer, D., and R. Droms, "Uniform Access to Internet Directory
   2338        Services", Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM '90 (Special issue of Computer
   2339        Communications Review), 20(4):50--59, 1990.
   2341    [7] Croft, B., and J. Gilmore, "Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)", RFC 951,
   2342        Stanford and SUN Microsystems, September 1985.
   2344    [8] Deering, S., "ICMP Router Discovery Messages", RFC 1256, Xerox
   2345        PARC, September 1991.
   2347    [9] Droms, D., "Interoperation between DHCP and BOOTP", RFC 1534,
   2348        Bucknell University, October 1993.
   2354 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 42]
   2356 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   2359    [10] Finlayson, R., Mann, T., Mogul, J., and M. Theimer, "A Reverse
   2360         Address Resolution Protocol", RFC 903, Stanford, June 1984.
   2362    [11] Gray C., and D. Cheriton, "Leases: An Efficient Fault-Tolerant
   2363         Mechanism for Distributed File Cache Consistency", In Proc. of
   2364         the Twelfth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Design, 1989.
   2366    [12] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names -- Concepts and Facilities", STD
   2367         13, RFC 1034, USC/Information Sciences Institute, November 1987.
   2369    [13] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names -- Implementation and
   2370         Specification", STD 13, RFC 1035, USC/Information Sciences
   2371         Institute, November 1987.
   2373    [14] Mogul J., and S. Deering, "Path MTU Discovery", RFC 1191,
   2374         November 1990.
   2376    [15] Morgan, R., "Dynamic IP Address Assignment for Ethernet Attached
   2377         Hosts", Work in Progress.
   2379    [16] Postel, J., "Internet Control Message Protocol", STD 5, RFC 792,
   2380         USC/Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.
   2382    [17] Reynolds, J., "BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions", RFC 1497,
   2383         USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1993.
   2385    [18] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC 1700,
   2386         USC/Information Sciences Institute, October 1994.
   2388    [19] Jeffrey Schiller and Mark Rosenstein. A Protocol for the Dynamic
   2389         Assignment of IP Addresses for use on an Ethernet. (Available
   2390         from the Athena Project, MIT), 1989.
   2392    [20] Sollins, K., "The TFTP Protocol (Revision 2)",  RFC 783, NIC,
   2393         June 1981.
   2395    [21] Wimer, W., "Clarifications and Extensions for the Bootstrap
   2396         Protocol", RFC 1542, Carnegie Mellon University, October 1993.
   2398 7. Security Considerations
   2400    DHCP is built directly on UDP and IP which are as yet inherently
   2401    insecure.  Furthermore, DHCP is generally intended to make
   2402    maintenance of remote and/or diskless hosts easier.  While perhaps
   2403    not impossible, configuring such hosts with passwords or keys may be
   2404    difficult and inconvenient.  Therefore, DHCP in its current form is
   2405    quite insecure.
   2410 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 43]
   2412 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   2415    Unauthorized DHCP servers may be easily set up.  Such servers can
   2416    then send false and potentially disruptive information to clients
   2417    such as incorrect or duplicate IP addresses, incorrect routing
   2418    information (including spoof routers, etc.), incorrect domain
   2419    nameserver addresses (such as spoof nameservers), and so on.
   2420    Clearly, once this seed information is in place, an attacker can
   2421    further compromise affected systems.
   2423    Malicious DHCP clients could masquerade as legitimate clients and
   2424    retrieve information intended for those legitimate clients.  Where
   2425    dynamic allocation of resources is used, a malicious client could
   2426    claim all resources for itself, thereby denying resources to
   2427    legitimate clients.
   2429 8. Author's Address
   2431       Ralph Droms
   2432       Computer Science Department
   2433       323 Dana Engineering
   2434       Bucknell University
   2435       Lewisburg, PA 17837
   2437       Phone: (717) 524-1145
   2438       EMail:
   2466 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 44]
   2468 RFC 2131          Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol         March 1997
   2471 A. Host Configuration Parameters
   2473    IP-layer_parameters,_per_host:_
   2475    Be a router                     on/off                 HRC 3.1
   2476    Non-local source routing        on/off                 HRC 3.3.5
   2477    Policy filters for
   2478    non-local source routing        (list)                 HRC 3.3.5
   2479    Maximum reassembly size         integer                HRC 3.3.2
   2480    Default TTL                     integer                HRC
   2481    PMTU aging timeout              integer                MTU 6.6
   2482    MTU plateau table               (list)                 MTU 7
   2483    IP-layer_parameters,_per_interface:_
   2484    IP address                      (address)              HRC
   2485    Subnet mask                     (address mask)         HRC
   2486    MTU                             integer                HRC 3.3.3
   2487    All-subnets-MTU                 on/off                 HRC 3.3.3
   2488    Broadcast address flavor        0x00000000/0xffffffff  HRC 3.3.6
   2489    Perform mask discovery          on/off                 HRC
   2490    Be a mask supplier              on/off                 HRC
   2491    Perform router discovery        on/off                 RD 5.1
   2492    Router solicitation address     (address)              RD 5.1
   2493    Default routers, list of:
   2494            router address          (address)              HRC
   2495            preference level        integer                HRC
   2496    Static routes, list of:
   2497            destination             (host/subnet/net)      HRC
   2498            destination mask        (address mask)         HRC
   2499            type-of-service         integer                HRC
   2500            first-hop router        (address)              HRC
   2501            ignore redirects        on/off                 HRC
   2502            PMTU                    integer                MTU 6.6
   2503            perform PMTU discovery  on/off                 MTU 6.6
   2505    Link-layer_parameters,_per_interface:_
   2506    Trailers                       on/off                 HRC 2.3.1
   2507    ARP cache timeout              integer                HRC
   2508    Ethernet encapsulation         (RFC 894/RFC 1042)     HRC 2.3.3
   2510    TCP_parameters,_per_host:_
   2511    TTL                            integer                HRC
   2512    Keep-alive interval            integer                HRC
   2513    Keep-alive data size           0/1                    HRC
   2515 Key:
   2517    MTU = Path MTU Discovery (RFC 1191, Proposed Standard)
   2518    RD = Router Discovery (RFC 1256, Proposed Standard)
   2522 Droms                       Standards Track                    [Page 45]