a CHIP-8 emulator
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PONG2.SRC (9962B)

      1 ; Note: this source has been modified by David WINTER on 17 SEP 1997
      2 ;       (only the syntax changed: it has been converted in CHIPPER)
      3 ;
      4 ; 99% of this source is taken from Paul Vervalin's PONG game. The only
      5 ; changes are the position of the left paddle, and the vertical line on
      6 ; the middle of the screen. This, to have a correct game under the MS-DOS
      7 ; CHIP-8 emulator. Note that the modifications are quite archaic, as they
      8 ; were hand-made (i.e: no assembler/disassembler).
      9 ;
     10 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     11 ;
     12 ; From: vervalin@AUSTIN.LOCKHEED.COM (Paul Vervalin)
     13 ;
     14 ;
     15 ;        OK folks here it is!  PONG for the HP48SX written in CHIP-48.
     16 ;        Some things you should know before you start playing are...
     17 ;        1)  This is my first attempt at programming in CHIP-48, so I 
     18 ;            know there are probably a few things that could have been
     19 ;            done better.
     20 ;        2)  The game never ends.  It keeps score, but only up to 9 for
     21 ;            each player, then it will roll over to 0.  Sorry, its the
     22 ;            only way I could think of to do it.  So, you have to play
     23 ;            whoever gets to a number first, wins.
     24 ;        3)  It is kind of slow, but then there are two paddles and ball
     25 ;            moving around all at once.
     26 ;        4)  The player who got the last point gets the serve...
     27 ;        5)  Keys 7 and 4 (on the HP48) control the up and down of the 
     28 ;            left player and the / and * keys control the up and down of
     29 ;            the right player.
     30 ;
     31 ;        I think that's about it, so have fun!  
     32 ; 
     33 ; This is a detailed breakdown of the game, sooooooo, if anybody wants to
     34 ; make it better, or change it in some way, it might be a little easier.
     35 ; Also, about half of the code was in some way extracted from the BRIX
     36 ; program.  So, thanks to whoever wrote the original BRIX game.
     37 ;
     38 ;
     39 ; Registers
     40 ; ---------
     41 ; V0-V3  are scratch registers
     42 ; V4     X coord. of score
     43 ; V5     Y coord. of score
     44 ; V6     X coord. of ball
     45 ; V7     Y coord. of ball
     46 ; V8     X direction of ball motion
     47 ; V9     Y direction of ball motion
     48 ; VA     X coord. of left player paddle
     49 ; VB     Y coord. of left player paddle
     50 ; VC     X coord. of right player paddle
     51 ; VD     Y coord. of right player paddle
     52 ; VE     Score
     53 ; VF     collision detection
     56 option binary  ; To assemble PONG for HP48 use, remove this option
     59     CALL Middle ; Draws the vertical bar at center
     61     LD  VB, 12 ; Set left player Y coord.
     62     LD  VC, 63 ; Set right player X coord.
     63     LD  VD, 12 ; Set right player Y coord.
     65     LD  I,  Paddle ; Get address of paddle sprite
     66     DRW VA, VB, 6  ; Draw left paddle
     67     DRW VC, VD, 6  ; Draw right paddle
     69     LD  VE, 0       ; Set score to 00
     70     CALL Draw_Score ; Draw score
     72     LD  V6, 3 ; Set X coord. of ball to 3
     73     LD  V8, 2 ; Set ball X direction to right
     76 Big_Loop:
     78     LD  V0, #60 ; Set V0=delay before ball launch
     79     LD  DT, V0  ; Set delay timer to V0
     80 DT_loop:        ;
     81     LD  V0, DT  ; Read delay timer into V0
     82     SE  V0, 0   ; Skip next instruction if V0=0
     83     JP  DT_Loop ; Read again delay timer if not 0
     85     RND V7, 23  ; Set Y coord. to rand # AND 23 (0...23)
     86     ADD V7, 8   ; And adjust it to is 8...31
     88     LD  V9, #FF   ; Set ball Y direction to up
     89     LD  I, Ball   ; Get address of ball sprite
     90     DRW V6, V7, 1 ; Draw ball
     92 Padl_Loop:
     93     LD  I, Paddle ; Get address of paddle sprite
     94     DRW VA, VB, 6 ; Draw left paddle
     95     DRW VC, VD, 6 ; Draw right paddle
     97     LD  V0, 1   ; Set V0 to KEY 1
     98     SKNP V0     ; Skip next instruction if KEY in 1 is not pressed
     99     ADD VB, #FE ; Subtract 2 from Y coord. of left paddle
    101     LD  V0, 4   ; Set V0 to KEY 4
    102     SKNP V0     ; Skip next instruction if KEY in 4 is not pressed
    103     ADD VB, 2   ; Add 2 to Y coord. of left paddle
    105     LD  V0, 31    ; Set V0 to max Y coord.  | These three lines are here to
    106     AND VB, V0    ; AND VB with V0          | adjust the paddle position if
    107     DRW VA, VB, 6 ; Draw left paddle        | it is out of the screen
    109     LD  V0, #0C ; Set V0 to KEY C
    110     SKNP V0     ; Skip next instruction if KEY in C is not pressed
    111     ADD VD, #FE ; Subtract 2 from Y coord. of right paddle
    113     LD  V0, #0D ; Set V0 to KEY D
    114     SKNP V0     ; Skip next instruction if KEY in D is not pressed 
    115     ADD VD, 2   ; Add 2 to Y coord. of right paddle
    117     LD  V0, 31    ; Set V0 to max Y coord.  | These three lines are here to
    118     AND VD, V0    ; AND VD with V0          | adjust the paddle position if
    119     DRW VC, VD, 6 ; Draw right paddle       | it is out of the screen
    121     LD  I, Ball   ; Get address of ball sprite
    122     DRW V6, V7, 1 ; Draw ball
    124     ADD V6, V8  ; Compute next X coord of the ball
    125     ADD V7, V9  ; Compute next Y coord of the ball
    127     LD  V0, 63  ; Set V0 to max X location
    128     AND V6, V0  ; AND V6 with V0
    130     LD  V1, 31  ; Set V1 to max Y location
    131     AND V7, V1  ; AND V7 with V1
    133     SNE V6, 0      ; Skip next instruction if ball not at left
    134     JP  Left_Side  ;
    136     SNE V6, 63     ; Skip next instruction if ball not at right
    137     JP  Right_Side ; 
    139 Ball_Loop:
    140     SNE V7, 31  ; Skip next instruction if ball not at bottom
    141     LD  V9, #FF ; Set Y direction to up
    143     SNE V7, 0   ; Skip next instruction if ball not at top
    144     LD  V9, 1   ; Set Y direction to down
    146     DRW V6, V7, 1 ; Draw ball
    147     JP  Padl_loop ;
    149 Left_Side:
    150     LD  V8, 2    ; Set X direction to right
    151     LD  V3, 1    ; Set V3 to 1 in case left player misses ball
    152     LD  V0, V7   ; Set V0 to V7 Y coord. of ball
    153     SUB V0, VB   ; Subtract position of paddle from ball
    154     JP  Pad_Coll ; Check for collision
    156 Right_Side:
    157     LD  V8, 254  ; Set X direction to left
    158     LD  V3, 10   ; Set V3 to 10 in case right player misses ball
    159     LD  V0, V7   ; Set V0 to V7 Y coord. of ball
    160     SUB V0, VD   ; Subtract position of paddle from ball
    162 Pad_Coll:
    163     SE  VF, 1     ; Skip next instruction if ball not above paddle
    164     JP  Ball_Lost ;
    166     LD  V1, 2    ; Set V1 to 02
    167     SUB V0, V1   ; Subtract V1 from V0
    168     SE  VF, 1    ; Skip next instr. if ball not at top of paddle
    169     JP  Ball_Top ; Ball at top of paddle
    171     SUB V0, V1   ; Subtract another 2 from V0
    172     SE  VF, 1    ; Skip next instr. if ball not at middle of paddle
    173     JP  Pad_Hit  ; Ball in middle of paddle
    175     SUB V0, V1   ; Subtract another 2 from V0
    176     SE  VF, 1    ; Skip next instr. if ball not at bottom of paddle
    177     JP  Ball_Bot ; Ball at bottom of paddle
    179 Ball_Lost:
    180     LD  V0, 32  ; Set lost ball beep delay
    181     LD  ST, V0  ; Beep for lost ball
    183     CALL Draw_Score ; Erase previous score
    184     ADD VE, V3      ; Add 1 or 10 to score depending on V3
    185     CALL Draw_Score ; Write new score
    187     LD  V6, 62  ; Set ball X coord. to right side
    188     SE  V3, 1   ; Skip next instr. if right player got point
    189     LD  V6, 3   ; Set ball X coord. to left side
    190     LD  V8, #FE ; Set direction to left
    191     SE  V3, 1   ; Skip next instr. if right player got point
    192     LD  V8, 2   ; Set direction to right
    193     JP Big_Loop ;
    195 Ball_Top:
    196     ADD V9, #FF ; Subtract 1 from V9, ball Y direction
    197     SNE V9, #FE ; Skip next instr. if V9 != FE (-2)
    198     LD  V9, #FF ; Set V9=FF (-1)
    199     JP  Pad_Hit
    201 Ball_Bot:
    202     ADD V9, 1   ; Add 1 to V9, ball Y direction
    203     SNE V9, 2   ; Skip next instr. if V9 != 02
    204     LD  V9, 1   ; Set V9=01
    206 Pad_Hit:
    207     LD  V0, 4   ; Set beep for paddle hit
    208     LD  ST, V0  ; Sound beep
    210     ADD V6, 1   ;
    211     SNE V6, 64  ;
    212     ADD V6, 254 ;
    214     JP  Ball_Loop
    216 Draw_Score:
    217     LD  I,  Score   ; Get address of Score
    218     LD  B,  VE      ; Stores in memory BCD representation of VE
    219     LD  V2, [I]     ; Reads V0...V2 in memory, so the score
    220     LD  F,  V1      ; I points to hex char in V1, so the 1st score char
    221     LD  V4, #14     ; Set V4 to the X coord. to draw 1st score char
    222     LD  V5, 2       ; Set V5 to the Y coord. to draw 1st score char
    223     DRW V4, V5, 5   ; Draw 8*5 sprite at (V4,V5) from M[I], so char V1
    224     ADD V4, #15     ; Set X to the X coord. of 2nd score char
    225     LD  F, V2       ; I points to hex char in V2, so 2nd score char
    226     DRW V4, V5, 5   ; Draw 8*5 sprite at (V4,V5) from M[I], so char V2
    227     RET             ; Return
    229 Paddle:
    230     DW #8080
    231     DW #8080
    232     DW #8080
    234 Ball:
    235     DW #8000
    237 Score:
    238     DW #0000
    239     DW #0000
    241 MiddleLine:
    242     DW #C0C0
    243     DW #C000
    245 HorizLine:
    246     DB #FF
    248 Middle:
    249     LD  VB, 32        ; Set X coord. of middle line pixels
    250     LD  VC, 0         ; Set Y coord. of the first sprite to draw
    251     LD  I, MiddleLine ; I Points to the bitmap of the 6 pixels to draw
    253 Draw_Middle:
    254     DRW VB, VC, 4   ; Draw 4 pixels of the line
    255     ADD VC, 4       ; Increments Y of the next 4 pixels sprite
    256     SE  VC, 32      ; End loop if last pixels drawn
    257     JP  Draw_Middle ; Else draw next pixels
    259     LD  VA, 0        ; Set VA to X location of horizontal lines
    260     LD  VB, 0        ; Set VB to Y location of upper horizontal line
    261     LD  VC, 31       ; Set VC to Y location of downer horizontal line
    262     LD  I, HorizLine ; I points on the bitmap of these lines...
    264 Draw_Horiz:
    265     DRW VA, VB, 1   ; Draw 8 pixels of the first horizontal line
    266     DRW VA, VC, 1   ; Draw 8 pixels of the second horizontal line
    267     ADD VA, 8       ; Increments Y of the next 8 pixels sprites
    268     SE  VA, 64      ; End loop if last pixels drawn
    269     JP  Draw_Horiz  ; Else draw next pixels of the lines
    271     LD  I, MiddleLine  ; I point again on the middle line sprite
    272     LD  VA, 0          ; Set player A (left side) X coord.
    273     LD  VB, 32         ; Set VB to first 2*1 sprite location of vertical line
    274     DRW VB, VA, 1      ; Redraw this part which wad erased before...
    276     RET         ; Return to program start
    277                 ; VA must be set to 0, this has already been done.